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三年级英语学科教案第五单元 课题:How are you 第1教时 总第 个教案 执教者: 思考与调整:教学目标:1.能听懂、会说How are you?及其应答Fine,thank you.Fine,thank you.And you? Not bad. Not so good. 2.能在生活中熟练运用句型How are you?及其回答。 3.使学生能熟练运用本课句型去询问他人的身体情况并作相应回答。 4.学会唱歌曲Hello! How are you? 5.通过活动、游戏激发学生的学习兴趣,逐步培养学生的口语交际能力,树立学习英语的信心。教学重点:1.How are you?及其四种应答方式。 教学难点:1.How are you ?及其四种应答方式。2.注意指导Fine, thank you. /not/sorry 的发音课前准备: 自制课件 头饰教学程序:Step 1 preparation 1.Greetings: T: Good morning,boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Chen.T: (事先把苹果树贴在黑板上,介绍比赛规则)Look, there are four trees, if you do well, I put an apple on the tree for your group, Lets see which group is the best? Ok ? (口语适当加上中文解释)S;ok 2.sing a song : T: There are three songs ,(Hello/ Hi,Nancy/ Goodbye) Which one do you want to choose? Blue? (代表Hello) Red (代表Hi,Nancy) Yellow(代表Goodbye) (利用课件展示不同颜色的三个圆圈,让学生自主选择歌曲来唱,让学生动起来,创造了浓厚的英语氛围,调动学生的积极性03.revision:师生问候,Good morning/afternoon. Whats your name? Nice to meet you. This is myWhat colour is it?.(复习之前学过的日常交际用语)Step 2 Presentation and practice思考与调整:1.(由学生的对话自然引出)T;I think you are good friends.Miss Chen also has good fridends. Look ,she is coming. This is Mei Yang yang。S: Nice to meet you, Mei Yang yang.Mei Yang yang: Nice to meet you,too.T: How are you?Mei Yang yang: Fine, thank you. 让学生试着去理解中文含意,此时教师出示句型,How are you?并板书,带读课题数遍,并让学生开火车朗读。2.T: Now lets ask Mei Yang yang together, listen to the answer carefully. S: How are you? Mei Yang yang: Fine, thank you. (教授句型Fine,thank you .出示此句型,用body language(拿出笑脸,带读并让学生朗读数遍。)3.同桌用句型How are you? Fine,thank you.来操练巩固此句型。(找35组同学进行表演) 4.T;S1,you can ask me. (教师用How are you ?和学生找招呼,让学生回答并试着反问教师,由此引出And you?同样带读数遍,让学生开火车朗读。) S1:How are you ?T:Fine,thank you. And you? 引导并帮助学生回答:Im fine ,too.(板书句子And you? Im fine ,too.并领读。)5. 师生对话,同桌用句型How are you? Fine,thank you. And you? Im fine ,too.来操练。6.Play a game(接龙问答游戏) The chain game: T asks a s1 of the first group row “How are you” He or She may say: Fine, thank you.” Then he or she passes the question to the other s in the same way .Just do it one by one. The last one comes to the front and ask Mei Yang yang:“How are you” Lets see which group is the quickest.7.教授Not bad,thank you(放入竞赛中) T gives the best group praise, and ask Mei Yang yang:“How are you”Mei Yang yang: Not bad,thank you(由此引出句型Not bad,thank you. 教师板书并领读,同桌朗读。)8.教师用课件出示难过的Wang Bing的人物并说:This is Wang Bing.请学生向Wang Bing 问候“How are you?”教师播放录音,让大家听Wang Bing的回答:“Not so good.”(拿出哭脸)教师板书句子:“Not so good.Im sorry并领读-带读数遍,并开火车朗读)思考与调整:9. Play a game: Ask and answer one by one,if T taks smiling face,the answer is “Fine, thank you.”,but if T takes crying face, the answer is “Not so good.”,Lets see which group maks the dialogues.Step 3 Production 1. Sing a song “Hello! How are you”2.Watch the flash “How are you? 完整听课文录音一遍。3.逐句跟录音读课文。Step 4 Progress 1.小组活动,拼课文对话。 T: Take out your envelope and piece the dialogue together.拿出事先发到的信封,小组合作,将里面的课文对话拼起来. (用PPT播放着音乐) 2. Act out the dialogue.Step 5 Homework 1.Listen to the tape about Part A. 2. 跟录音唱歌曲Hello,how are you?Step 6 Blackboard designUnit 5 How are you? 图(1) 图 (2 ) Fine,thank you. And you? Im fine, too. 图 (3 ) 图 (4 )Not bad,thank you. Not so good.Im sorry.
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