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Unit 2 Section A Grammar Focus-3aTeaching aims: Knowledge aims: 1. Master the new words:maybe, least, at least.2. Learn to talk about how often you do things with the target language.Ability aims:1. Be able to talk about how often we do things.2. Be able to write a passage using the target language.Emotional aims:Edcate the students to study hard and be a good student.Teaching important points:1. Master the new words and phrases.2. Master the target language.Teaching difficult points:Master the sentence pattern“How often.?”Teaching aids:PPTTeaching procedures:Step1 Warming-up and revisionAsk some students two questions:What do you do on weekends? How often do you .?Step 2 Presentation1. Teach the new words.2. Show some pictures and talk about what the person does on weekends.3. Grammar FocusFirst invite some studends to read the sentences in the box and explain their Chinese meanings.Then,lead studends to read them sentence by sentence.List some difficult points and explain them.Step 3 Practice1. Teach Activity 3a.First,lead studends to read the instruction of this activity to know what to do and how to do it.Then,give them several minutes to do it individually.Later,invite some studends to present their answers.2. Teach Activity 3b.First,lead studends to understant the instruction of this activity.Give them two minutes to think about how to do this activity.Then invite four studends to present the complete questions with the given words and explain their meaings in Chinese.Let studends practice in pairs.Finally,invite some volunteers to present their work.Step 4 Production 1. Tell studends to dicuss what activities they do to improve their English. Then write the activities in the chart.2. Try to make a report about their partners.Step 5 Progress根据汉语提示完成句子每空词数不限你多长时间看望一次祖父母? _ do you see _?他的爷爷每天都做运动 His grandpa _.我每周购物两次 I shop _.我喜欢读书我每天都读英语 I like _. I _every day.周末你通常做什么?做运动 What _? _. Blackboard Design Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise? Section A Grammar Focus-3a Keywords: maybe ,least, atleastTargetlanguage:S1:Whatdoyouusuallydoonweekends?S2:Ialwaysexercise.S1:Howoftendoeshe/shegotothemovies?S2:He/Shegoestothemoviesonceaweek.
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