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关于毅力的英语演讲稿关于毅力的英语演讲稿 (一):Therof psvrace Dearfriends: u an ream it,o c doi.alt DisneyIt as longr yar.n ate I haactually raduad, te nightmae bgn o haut me, the niversitywold all to sayI hn truygrauated. Threh beena mstakeand trewas just n mre las neded to tak Isalwas o rlieve to wke p andralizetht it aonly been ba remnrealit, I dcmplee very course neded fo my dere,ad I wasa full-fledgedcolleggaduate! Nw, te est of my ie lomed ahea f me ometime bacers deree prepar you fracfc cupatinyuain to b n acountant, you rdateand et a positin inan acountig f.Often, however,yurtnt i colege onl prpaes yo to mke uterdeciinregardngyur future. Yue prtty uehat you dont wantodo!urig ysior yer o collee, I ad oy withhe ideaf chaning major. thatoint, I hd fially iscoved what captue my hert. t, watingfiall be finishing shool ws strner ll So, Iook a fw curssin physiology an exerciseciece, bu tenogh orcive dge in physic therapy. Tht would rquireadvaesholig,eyond my achelors degreand just asnreaytotae that. vincpled m B. dge, idnthae anyintentions o frheringmy caion So, I did theafethig nd got a ofice jobthe ver hin Iwas suretha dt wat to do!I detted he office polics, thet I hdtowarnthedownownevirent thI ha to riveto evey ay. n is s o here Ibelonge. utgod kne what pahycre wa to folow.A ositin oped p at h mostexclusive health club inur ity, so Iapd his wsy in oenviomentan iv, irant id of placecompetely at theopposite en of thspetru rom teofficeenvironnt where found mself. Te poitionuir that I wok Satura igts ad Sundy orng Pfect, thuh!Ioul keep ofice jobMonday hrough Friday and wor at y dra job one wekds.This arremtasted eerl monhs until, vental, ful-tie ositiopedupan Ias al to rign from my offce jobOvrthe et few year,I orkedmway up the ler, gininxperiencin svral iffren deparments. I foundm i as the irectrof membr ervicesaterin to oclientl and providn hem th numrus uttig-grgrams I woulhaestayed at thajob foreve emd o be tepnncle oll my drmsfulfilld. Her we fellow eploees who had asi or t same ings hat ddealt nd itnssYet agan, go had other plans fo mylife.Withitwyears, a ewer, bigger, ette d moe statefth-art healthclu acility ws bltjust five miles dwn theroa. Ad, in turn, the owner lo many mbers to tht clb. An,intr, e one lost thsds f dollars. One by onewe wer ech laid of. After trngunsuccesfy to lad anoer siila posito elsewhere, I kew what I o.Go back to school!thnks! 关于毅力的英语演讲稿 (二):Ju Perveace and beYouslf Dea teaces ad a: We are in aconstanstaeofitoetomething betr ad difent.eare ften tryintob meon ffent,eve when ecurrent u is rtty dcent.I youae nt apy eng u,then whoelsean you ben each persns life,will meet a lot of indvidawho il impactd temss.So eople tea ua lot ngs Semay ive yo aot of encouragemet s fr me hee re also se peole inspiredeBut the ms gret impat wy earfather When I wasaitte girl,I ofe want to gveup stuynsteadpy gaeshen my fathe will odme Pesvrane is the gdenkey toing succesfu nanything y d.Its amater f hangng n lng athers e qut.Wen I was tenage lie tomake track for ar,an lik magslike,inldig dess t.Then my Dadalways tel e thatewatoure, nt what o aren,ecausewhen o are whtyou arent,the you ret what you areAlof thehings are inspred me s uch.mme,I thnk my tr w a phlsph,omeimes hn hisa activist,alayst an exmpe or hiscld ,owht a fatr shlddo.He i alas wrkng har o fee large family,he s aways cnsideate orive is nugtchildren,oreoverhe flal piety tth old person,o repay ants broughtu. In a word, he lwassogoodOf c hes a iron man,he also ha a rag, buthe everlos el,a seeane.What oe, when I e ih sme troules andwano gve u, h alway encorgeme. till rmember wht he tod meperseveane oromslmostvrythngWen yo fall, perevernce tellyou get up.Wen ou ardefated,preeranetes yu totry gai Whn you elike quittig, perseverane esnt let yo. No
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