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高中毕业证实书样本 篇一:高中毕业证实模板毕 业 证 明姓名: 性别: 男,生于1983年10月,于1999年9月至月在本校学习,成绩合格,达成高中毕业标准。毕业时间为 2021 年 7 月,情况属实,特此证实。证实人:毕业学校:2021年 10月 21 日1 / 1篇二:高中毕业证书翻译模板(L.P.G) B.Z.Zi. PhotoNo.XXXXXXXXXXXElectronic registration number: 2107xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxStudent XXX, female, from XX City, Liaoning Province, born on 01th May 1993, having completed study period in the high school, is granted graduation because of qualified results.School: XX High School (Seal) President: XXX (Seal)June 10, 2021 Graduation ResultI. New regular high school diploma was enabled in 2021.II. The certificate number is specified by Provincial Department of Education(:.xIAocAofaNwEn.com 小 草范 文 网:), and seal is verified by municipal (prefecture-level) bureau of education as valid.The Education Department of Liaoning Province篇三:广东高中毕业证模板1009010210620441501199602104032 刘俊伟 男 1996 2 10 广东 汕尾 红海湾2021 9 2021 6 180 新城中学 汕尾市城区海平路2021 6 10
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