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科教版三年级英语上册单词拼写训练班级:_ 姓名:_1. 补全单词。1. g_meA. a B. e C. i2. t_oA. a B. w C. i3. da_A. e B. y C .i4. j_mpA. u B. e C. i5. w_lkA. e B. a C. u2. 先把单词补充完整,再写出它们的汉语意思。1.f_m_l_ 2.C_n_d_3._arp_nt_r_ 4.p_l_c_ff_cer_5.b_s_r_ver_ 6.s_u_e_t_3. 根据提示写单词。(1)t ,r,e ,h, e(三)(2)o, w, d ,w, n ,i(窗户)(3)r, f ,u, o(四)4. 单词拼写。1. G_, Ling lin.Bye-bye. 2. H_are you?Im f_. 3. H_are you, Amy? 4. I a_fine. 5. The cap is w_. 6. The grass is g_.5. 将下列句子抄写在正确的图片下。AHer finger hurts. BHis shoulder hurts.CHer foot hurts. DHer leg hurts.ETheir heads hurt. FMy stomach hurts.1. 2._ _3. 4._ _5. 6._ _6. 根据图片写出单词。7. 补全单词,选出正确选项。(1)f_ce A.eB.aC.I(2)mou_ A.seB.ceC.th(3)pe_A.bB.nC.d(4)w_iteA.kB.mC.h(5)do_A.yB.gC.j8. 小朋友快来把单词补充完整吧!(根据图意,完成单词)9. 连词成句。(将下列单词组成通顺的句子)(1)pandassomeseecanyou._(2)mywherepenis?_(3)goingweareSundayon._(4)tenIpickwillapples._(5)hisworkgoodveryis.10. 把下面的句子抄写在四线格上注意书写格式。(1)Itsverytall.(2)Thatoneissmall.(3)ItstheRiverThames.(4)ImfromLondon.11. 写出下列单词的同义词。(1)father_(2)mother_(3)grandmother_(4)grandfather_12. 根据图片内容补全下列单词中所缺的字母。(1)bg (2)bk(3)rler (4)erser(5)pncil (6)cryon13. 根据提示写单词。(1)香蕉 (提示:anbaan) (2)橘子 (提示:ronaeg)(3)黑板 (提示:labkcobrad) (4)门 (提示:odor)(5)鼻子 (提示:snoe) (6)脸 (提示:efac)14. 根据汉语提示填单词。(1)This is my(T恤衫)._(2)Its(好看的)._(3)Look at(我)._(4)(它) is a shirt._(5)Its(好极了)._15. 根据图片内容,补全句中所缺的单词(首字母已给出)。1.Hello. My names Biil. Im a b_.2.Who is she?She is my m_.3.Good b_,my friend. 4.Look at me. My m_is small. 5.Hi. Im a g_.I can dance. 6.This is myfather. Hes thin and t_.页码 / 总页数
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