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人教版三年级下册英语连词成句考点知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. aseecanIcake (写序号)_.2. too, like, you, do, them (?)3. the do morning what you in do ( ? )4. herispenThat (只写序号)_.5. is for you this (.)6. you, are, how (?)7. have, I, pencil, a, (.)8. is , cake , your , here (.)9. catIsait (?)10. you, are, old, how (?)11. old how are you (?)12. T-shirt line on your the is (.)13. dont this I hat like (.)14. your, me, show, pencil (.)15. myHesteacher(.)(写序号)16. isyouThisandcakeforme (写序号)_.17. Igreensee (只填序号)18. in, is, what, the, box (?)19. 连词成句。1in storybook What is your (?)2you bread Do like (?)3skirt that your Is (?)4go to school Lets (.)5hamburgers like dont I (.)20. grandpa, is, my, this (.)21. is This my family (.)22. at, glue, my, Look (.)23. whatsliketheweather(?)24. is, here, cake, your (.)25. six, years, old, Im26. 连词成句。1it, time, please, what, is(, ?)2time, for, class, its(.)3oclock, it, three, is, now(.)4are; these, what(?)27. She, TV, watches, six, at, oclock (她在6点看电视。)28. we,in,the,park,will see,a,wide,river,(.)(连词成句)29. 连词成句。1is the big elephant, (.)2the monkey is thin, (.)3animals, what, swim, can, (?)4helps, the, who, rabbit, (?)5is, there, chicken, the, a, on, farm(.)30. is Its tail long(.)31. go school lets to ( . )32. like, my, bike, I, riding (.)33. Im, class, in, one (.)页码 / 总页数
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