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人教版三年级英语上册期中复习试卷(免费版)(考试时间:90分钟,总分100分)班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_一、单选题(每小题1分,共计20分)1、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(1)A .bagB .whiteC .yellow(2)A .redB .catC .green(3)A .bookB .blackC .blue(4)A .colourB .duckC .dog(5)A .brownB .yellowC .apple2、马路上,斑马线的颜色是_。A .black B .brown C .white3、当你见到朋友时,怎么互相打招呼?A .Goodbye! B .Hello!4、A .pencil B .crayon5、Are you Tutu?_A .No, Im Zoom. B .OK. C .Goodbye.6、This _, please.A .three B .one C .five7、The banana is_.A .black B .bue C .yellow8、Lets_!A .play B .ruler C .pen9、How are you, Sarah?Very well, _ you.A .thank to B .thank C .thanks10、下面哪一个单词对应的英文意思是错误的?A .hi-嗨 B .my name-你的名字 C .bye-拜拜11、Whats your name?_A .Hello, Chen Jie. B .My names Chen Jie. C .Bye, Chen Jie.12、你想让对方把她棕色的蜡笔给你看看,你应该说:A .Show me your red crayon. B .Show me your brown crayon.13、当你把一样东西给对方时, 应该这样说:A .Here you are. B .Here are you.14、Good morning._.A .Good morning B .Good afternoon C .Goodbye15、Nice to meet you._A . Nice to meet you, too. B .Hello. C .Im fine, thank you.16、A .i B .l17、I can see D.A . B .18、_some milk.A .Cut B .Eat C .Drink19、Thismy brother, Sam.A .is B .are20、I have a ruler. _too.A .I B .My C .Me二、填空题(每小题2分,共计40分)1、P L M I J I B Y 2、选出与所给单词同类的一项。、 ear Apencil Btouch Chand、 close Aeyes Bopen Cears、 face Agreat Bwell Cmouth、 nose Ablue Bleg Cwave、 head Aarm Bpuppet Cmorning3、0 E F H b f l4、选出与所给单词同类的选项。 body Abear Bdog Cmouth pig Afat Bcat Cbig tiger Aelephant Bkite Czoo monkey Apanda Banimal Cjump red Alike Bblue Cact5、two one = 6、选出不同类的单词。 A.nine Bnice Ceight Dseven A.three Bsix Ctwo Dtoo A.dog Bbread Ccat Drabbit A.two Bcat Cmonkey Dbear A.close Bbird Ctouch Dopen7、单词归类。A. ruler B. blue C. eye D. redE. pencil F. face G. yellow H. bagI. hand J. crayon K. ear L. white(1) 身体部位 (2) 颜色 (3) 文具 8、Good afternoon! Im Zoom. I have a blue pencil. 9、I see yellow and green.翻译: 10、写出下列字母的左邻右舍(1)L l(2)G g(3)N n(4)R r(5)W w11、选出与所给单词同类的一项。 yellow Aruler Bgreen Chead white Ablue Bfinger Cbook thank Ablack Bbrown Chello colour Awater Bdraw Care brown Ayellow Bschool Cgreat12、仔细观察,把下列字母的小写形式改写成大写形式。(1) n (2) j (3) l (4) q (5) u 13、读一读,画一画。 Draw from four to three, to seven, to two, to five, to six, to one, to eight, to ten, to nine, back to four at last. Whats this? Is it nice?14、读一读,给奥运五环涂色。 Colour it blue.Colour it yellow.Colour it black.Colour it green.Colour it red.15、判断下列各组字母的排列顺序,正确打“ ”,不正确打“” 。ABD BGD LEN EHK DEB d j q n r p Q R t g J s ORT 16、观察下面方框中的字母,找出上题出现过的六个单词,并将它们圈出来。17、景对话,选择正确的句子。A: I have a Teddy Bear.B: May I have a look?A: Here you are.B: A: B: You are welcome.A. Sure!B. Oh, really?C. Oh! Its nice. I like it.D. Thank you!18、选出不同项。 A. yellow B. brown C. pencil A. pen B. mum C. dad A. morning B. ground C. afternoon A. white B. pencil C. eraser A. black B. blue C. flower19、请按字母表的顺序在四线三格上写出下面字母的大小写。 20、圈出每组中相同的字母。L j r j k h j三、判断题(每小题1分,共计40分)1、2、Its a pig.3、4、根据图片判断句子正误。Touch your head.5、I have a pencil.6、Goodbye.7、Colour it blue.8、Hi, Im Chen Jie.9、Have some bread.10、11、tiger (根据单词判断图片是否正确)12、Its a bag.13、Show me your ruler14、I see a pencil, a pen and an eraser in the bag.15、 How old are you? Im fine, thank you.16、 Happy birthday, Mr Dog! Thank you, How old are you? Im four years old.17、判断下列短对话是否正确。A: Nice to meet you.
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