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4B unit7 whats the matter?一、教学内容本课为义务教育教科书小学英语(译林版)四年级下册第七单元第一课时新授课,完成Story time版块教学。二、教学目标:1.学生能听懂、理解单词thirsty, hungry, ill, tired在文中的意思,能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语,如:Whats the matter? Im Can I have? Come and have .2.通过观察文本插图,学生能描述与文本相关的背景信息。3.通过开放性设问,让学生推测文本信息,培养学生快速捕捉文章大意的能力,.并通过细读培养学生获取文本详细信息的能力。4.通过学生对话,培养学生概括文本信息的能力和活用词汇、句型进行交流的能力。5.通过朗读文本内容,形成语感,加深对文本信息的理解,并形成语段,概括文本内容。6.通过创设 What can I do for Mum and Dad?的教学情境,进一步提升文本理解能力,培养学生用语言做事的能力。三、教学设计依据:1、教材分析:本课是新版牛津小学英语(4B)Unit 7 Whats the matter?的第一教时内容,主要学习Story time。本节课围绕“刘涛渴了和累了,爸爸妈妈关心帮助他”这一话题展开教学活动。这节课介绍了一些表达感觉和感觉的词汇,这是一个学生十分感兴趣的话题,内容十分丰富,可发挥的空间也比较大。要充分利用这一有趣的教学材料,鼓励他们用英语来表达自己的感受。同时学会去理解和关心父母。2、学情分析:本节课的教学对象是本校四年级的学生。在学习本课之前,学生已经掌握了一定量有关感觉的词汇,如: cold, hot, hurt等,并能运用这些词汇进行日常交际对话。本课的重点是语篇教学,需帮助他们感知更多的感觉累单词,并在练习与交流中自主掌握、接受语篇内容,并能运用一定的方法进行自主阅读、解题。本单元所谈论的话题“Whats the matter?”可以通过情景的创设使整个教学更加贴近学生的生活,使学生能够积极的参与课堂,参与学习,有助于学生学习效率的提高。四、教学过程:Step 1 Before reading A:Hello,everyone.Im Xu Ke.Im eleven years old.I like dancing and reading books.I read a lot of stories.Today,we want to share you a story .Its name isTortoise! Tortoise!1. Free talk How are you ? 2. PPT示一个男孩女孩 How are they? Lets enjoy a song about them. How are they? They are 引出 单词 hungry thirsty.3. We know hungry and thirsty. They are feelings, yes ? Today lets talk about feelings. What else? 头脑风暴 ,引出单词 ill tired4. Lets chantHungry, hungry, eat , eat, eat.Thirsty, thirsty, drink ,drink,drink.Happy, happy, laugh, laugh, laugh.Sad, sad, cry, cry, cry.Ill, ill, hurt, hurt, hurt.Tired, tired, rest, rest, rest.T:How are you now?(强调动作)引入句型:Whats the matter?练习句型。揭题Step 2 while reading1. There is a sports meeting(运动会) in Liu Taos school.Look , Liu Tao comes here. Is he happy ? whats the matter with Liu Tao? Maybe he is hungry. What do you think? 生猜2. 设置情景T:He needs some energy.suhai and su yang are at the energy station.what can you see at the energy station?Lets help Liu Tao now.3. Ask and answer师给出一个例子,4人小组练习对话。T:In the sports meeting(在运动会上),Taotao and his friends win(赢) a basketball match today.Thank you!Now where is taotao?Whats the matter with him?(要求学生观察图片)watch and answer(tired and thirsty)4.Read and findLiu Tao is thirsty , so he should (所以他应该) Liu Tao is tired ,too. So he says (说)_5time to read 逐幅图朗读6open your books read after the tape ,逐句跟读7.this is the story of Liu Tao . do you know the story now? let me check. Fill in the blanks.4. show time step 3 after reading 1. Today we learn the story of Liu Tao and we learn some new words and sentences. Now close your eyes. Think it over. What have we learnd today ? where can we say these words and sentences? Discuss in two.生可以说中文。(妈妈生病了)Great. Can you act it out ?Now make a new dialogue .work in two and act it out . 2. homework板书 Unit7 whats the matter ? thirsty have some water Liu Tao人物图 tired go to bed
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