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初中形容词专项练习题四语法专项练习:(提示:中考试题对形容词的考查涉及形容词原级,比较级和最高级的各种句型、形容词作定语的位置、易混淆的形容词用法辨析等。其中,形容词比较等级句型、形容词修饰不定代词something,anything,everything,nothing时的位置,易混淆的形容词用法辨析等是考查的热点。)1。 My _ sister is two years _ than I.A. older; older B。 elder; elder C。 older; elder D. elder; older2. Can you do your work with _ money and _ people?A。 less; few B。 less; fewer C。 little; less D. few; less3。 I didnt know which was _, so I took them both.A. good B。 better C. best D。 the best4. There was _ house in front of the hill。A。 a wooden old fine B. an old wooden fineC。 a fine old wooden D。 an old fine wooden5。 What an _ story! Im _ in it。A。 interested; interesting B。 interesting; interestedC. interested; interestedD。 interesting; interesting6。 The jacket is _ nice, but its _ more expensive than that one.A. much; much B。 very; very C. much; very D。 very; much7。 Do you think the chicken tastes _? She cooked it _, I think。A. good; good B. well; well C。 well; good D. good; well8. You must be more _, Jim. Look, you didnt write _.Acarefully; careful B. careful; carefullyC. careful; careful D。 carefully; carefully9. The twins are together most of the time. So they never feel _.A. lonely B. alone C。 happily D。 friendly10。 This street is much _ than that one。A。 straight B. straighter C. straightest D. more straighter11. Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose _ expensive one。A. less B。 the least C. the less D。 the most12。 This kind of skirt looks _ and sells _。A. nice; well B。 nice; good C。 well; well D. good; nice13. -How was the weather yesterday?-It was terrible. It rained _。 People could _ go out。A. hardly; hardly B. hardly; hardC. hard; hard D. hard; hardly14。 The girl is _, but her younger sister is even _。A. tallest; taller B. taller; tallestC。 tall; tallest D。 tall; taller15. This chair is not _ for him to _。A. strong enough; sitB. enough strong; sitC. enough strong; sit in D。 strong enough; sit on16。 The Chinese people are _ than you think。A. friendly B。 more friendlyC。 very friendlyD. as friendly17. Everything is _ on the moon than on the earth.A。 much more lighterB. much more lightC。 more lighter D. much lighter18。 She is _ careful as I, but Im _ than you.A。 as; much careful B. so; more carefulC. as; much more carefulD. so; very careful19。 I think science is _ foreign languages。A. so difficult as B. as difficult asC. very difficult than D. much difficult than20。 Allan is one of _ popular teachers in the school。A. more B。 the more C。 most D. the most参考答案:1D。elder只作定语,elder sister 意为姐姐.older作表语更为常见。2B。money不可数,表达更少的钱,用less (little的比较级);people可数,表达更少人,用fewer (few的比较级)。3B。4C。多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词(冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、数词)-描绘词(大小,长短,形状,新旧,长幼,颜色)出处-材料性质-类别-名词 a small round table一张小圆桌 a tall white building一幢高大的白色建筑物 a dirty old black shirt一件又脏又旧的黑色衬衣 a famous American medical school一个非常著名的美国医学院5B。6D.修饰形容词more expensive用副词much。7D.taste是系词后跟形容词做表语,所以用good。8B.9A.lonely是孤独的意思.而alone是单独的,独自的意思。10B。11B.the less expensive比较级,比较不贵的(较便宜的)。两者比较时,比较级前加定冠词the。12A.look 是系动词,后跟表语形容词.sell well 卖得好。13D。rain hard 是(雨)下得大。hardly是副词,做“几乎不”的意思。14D。15D.enough 修饰形容词,表示“足够”怎么样,放在形容词的后面.sit on a chair, 注意介词 on不要丢掉。16B.17D。18C。19B.20D.
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