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2011-2012学年度高一英语暑假作业必修一 Module1I. Words1.令人吃惊的adj. 22.fluency n.2. 极好的adj. 23.enjoyment n.3.指示;说明n. 24.encouragement n.4.方法n. 25.correction n.5.厌烦的;厌倦的adj. 26.academic adj.6.尴尬的;难堪的adj. 27.province n.7.态度n. 28.enthusiastic adj.8.感到吃惊的,惊讶的adj. 29.information n.9.技术n. 30.website n.10.使影响深刻vt. 31.comprehension n.11.感到失望的adj. 32.behaviour n.12.少年n. 33.previous adj.13.消失vi. 34.description n.14.搬家v. 35.embarrassing adj.15.包含vt. II. Phrases 16.diploma n. 1.be similar _与.类似17.assistant n. 2.ones attitude _对的态度18.system n. 3.nothing _ 一点都不像19.disappointing adj. 4._oneself 独立地,独自地5.have _ 玩得开心6.in a _ way 用有趣的方法7.in other _ 换句话说8.look forward _ 期待;盼望9.be impressed _ 对印象深刻10.be different _ 与.不同11.be _ in 说得流利12.be _with 对失望13._ the start of 在.开始的时候14.be _ into 被(划)分成15._ part in 参加III. Key sentences1.In other words,there are three times _ _ girls as boys. 换句话说,女生人数是男生2.Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like _ of the teachers at my Junior High school. 沈老师的教学方法不同于我初中老师的教学方法。3.He said _ didnt matter if we _ _. 他说如果我们犯了错不要紧。4.Group work activities wont _because you can keep quiet if you want to.小组活动不会使你感到尴尬,因为如果你想的话,你可以保持沉默。 必修一 Module 2I. Words 1.有趣的,可笑的adj. 20.relationship n. 2.精力充沛的 adj. 21.discipline n. 3.聪明的adj. 22.literature n. 4.紧张的,焦虑的adj. 23.loudly adv. 5.耐心的adj. 24.wave vt. 6.严肃的adj. 25.joke n. 7.害羞的,羞怯的adj. 26.summary n. 8.严格的,严厉的adj. 27.headmaster n. 9.避开vt. 28.headmistress n. 10.讨厌,不喜欢vt. 29.period n. 11.不正确地adv. 30.revision n. 12.十分地;完全地adv. 31.translation n. 13.立即,即刻adv. 32.timetable n. 14.感激;欣赏vt. 33.topic n. 15.承认vt. 34.vocation n. 16.尊敬,尊重vt. 35.revise v. 17.轻松的;松懈的adj. 36.organized adj. 18.同样地;类似地adv. 37.impression n.19.formal adj. 38.scientificII. Phrases 1. make _ 确定;确信 11.make a _ about 对.做出选择2. avoid _ 避免做 12.have a free _ 上自习课3. make a _犯错误 13._an exam 考试及/不及格4. make _ 取得进步 14.Prefer _ _ rather than _ 5. be _ time for 按时参加 喜欢做 而不喜欢做6. admit _承认做过 15.would rather _.than _.7. _ a result 因此,结果 宁愿做也不做.8. do _ in 在方面做得好 16.a _ of 两三个9. _ asleep 睡着,入睡 17.be up _ sb 由某人决定10. be well _有条理地 18.have problems _在方面有问题19. pay _ 为 付款 20.be true _ 适用于III. Key sentences 1. _students will have problems. 如果不这样,学生就会有问题。 2. Shes very strict - we dont dare to say a word _she asks us to . 她很严厉-如果她不要求,我们连一句话也不敢说。3.but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen _us. 但是我认为有陈老师教我,我会在考试中做得很好。4. I think _ he really enjoys teaching chinese literature. 我认为这是因为他真的喜欢教授中国文学。必修一 Module3I. Words1. 距离n. 20. downtown adj.2. 被遗弃的adj. 21. interviewer n.3. 沙漠n. 22. cartoon n.4. 专家n. 23. apartment n.5. 产品n. 24. kindergarten n.6. 风景;景色n. 25. eagle n.7. 射杀 v. 26. seaside n.8. 旅程n. 27. circus n.9. 训练vt. 28. soil n.10. 运动场;体育场n. 29. midnight n.11. 使吃惊,使惊吓vt. 30. diamond n.12. 面试;面谈n. 31. cassette n.13. 事件n. 32. camel n.14. 疲惫不堪的adj. 33. tram n.15. 仪式n. 34. motorbike n. 16. souvenir n. 35.helicopter n. 17. track n.18. rail n. II. Phrases19. vacuum n. 1.refer _ 指的是 2. get _ 上(车、船等) 3.get _ 下(车、船等)4. take _ 起飞;事业腾飞;5. _ the distance 在远处6. be short _是 的缩写/简称7. try _ sth 试着做某事8. allow sb _ sth 允许某人做某事9. _ date 过时10. _ a film 拍电影11. _a speed of 以的速度12. _ the opening ce
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