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Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use习题一、单项选择1Tom likes playing _ football, but his sister likes playing _ piano.A. the; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; the2 My dream is near _ sea and far from _ London.A. a; the B. the; the C. /; / D. the; /3-There_ football matches on CCTV5 this evening, arent there?-Yes, my father and I will watch them.A. will have B. will beC. are going to be D. are going to have4-Do you think Daming will have a big company? -_.A. Thats great B. Have a good time C. See you then D. I am not sure.5-Will you make travel plans this Saturday morning?-_. Well make them on Sunday afternoon. A. Yes, we will B. No, we wontC. Yes, you will D. No, you cant6Mike wants to be a policeman. He thinks it is a good _.A. job B. club C. game D. life7The weather _ hot tomorrow.A. get B. gets C. are going to get D. will get8In the future, robots will _ help people do many things, such as washing and cooking.A. look forward to B. be ready toC. be able to D. be good at9-If you have any trouble, be sure to call me.- .A. Im sorry to hear that.B. I will. Thank you very much.C. I have no trouble.D. I will think it over.10“When will your father _ Shanghai?” “He _ at 8:00 this Monday.”A. arrive at, will arrive B. arrive in , will arriveC. arrive ,will arrive in D. arrive, will arrive at11 I will miss my family when I go there for further study this summer. Dont worry. You can _ them by e-mail.A. keep in touch withB. get along withC. make friends with12There a heavy snow in our town tomorrow.A. is B. will be C. is going to have二、汉译英,每空一词13 我愿意和你交朋友。I like to _ _ _ you.14他们的梦想能够实现。Their dreams can _ _.15 村民中的许多人从没离开过村庄。_ _ the villagers _ _ the village.16 在学校与村庄间有一条河。_ a river _ the school and the village.17 这位老师对孩子很有办法。The teacher _ very _ _ children.18那个时间吃早饭真有意思!Thats a _ _ _ breakfast!19 吃太多冰激淩不益于健康。Eating too much ice-cream _ _ _ health.三、句型转换20There is an English party. (用tomorrow evening改写句子)There _ _ an English party tomorrow evening.21They will play football next weekend. (对画线部分提问)_ _ they _ next weekend?22This shirt isnt expensive, so Ill take it(改为同义句)This shirt is _, so Ill take it.23In spring, the weather will get warm and the trees will turn green, too. (改为同义句)In spring, the weather will get warm and the trees will turn green _ _.24There will be no more expensive cars. (改为同义句)There wont _ expensive cars _ _.四、连词成句,标点已给出25spring, there, in, light, more, no, be, will, rain_.26future, what, will, in, the, life, like, be_?27will, get, students, information, on, Internet, the_?28children, how, will, in, years, 50, learn, time_?29maybe, in, air, there, will, the, be, traffic, jams_.五、完型填空Do you often think of your parents? You may say, “Of course, I_.I buy a gift for my mother on Mothers Day and on Fathers Day I give my father a _, too.” But what about the other days of the _ ?I have a friend whose parents live in _ city. One day 1 went to_ her. We had a nice conversation. Then she wanted to_. So she dialed(拨号) the number, but then she put down the_. After about fifteen seconds, she dialed the number again “Hi, Mom”Later I asked, “_ did you dial the number twice?” She smiled, “My parents are old and _. They_ get close to the telephone quickly. I always do such a thing _ I call them. I just want to give them_ time to answer the call.”My friend is a good girl. She is _thinking about her parents. You also want to be a _ child, right? Please always remember to _your parents in every situation, not just on some important days.30A. do B. will C. wont D. dont31A. cake B. kiss C. love D. gift32A. time B. year C. month D. week33A. other B. another C. the other D. others34A. win B. meet C. call D. visit35A. have a rest B. make a call C. pay a visit D. go for a walk36A. phone B. gift C. hand D. number37A. Why B. What C. How D. When38A. fast B. careless C. healthy D. slow39A. cant B. mustnt C. needn
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