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精品资料检测内容: Units (13)姓名得分卷后分老师评价一、单项选择。(20分)( C )1.Mr.Wang is our teacher,and he teaches _ math.AweBourCusDours( C )2.Lets go and play _ pingpong,I dont want to play _ violin.Aa,the Bthe,a C/,the Dthe,/( C )3.My grandparents often _ me stories _ weekends.Atells,on Btell,at the Ctell,on Dto tell,at( B )4.Are you good _children?Yes,I think I can help them _ English.Awith,in Bwith,with Cat,with Dat,in( C )5.Every morning I _ a shower before breakfast.Ado Bget Ctake Dbe( A )6.Do you have a_?Yes,I do.I _at a radio station.Ajob,work Bwork,work Cjob,job Dwork,job( C )7._Tom and Jack go to work at 7:30?ADoes BIs CDo DAre( B )8.I can _Sounds good.You can join our sports club.Aplay chess Bswim Csing Ddraw( C )9.Can you sing _dance?I can dance.Aand Bbut Cor Dtoo( C )10.My brother goes to work _ subway every day.Aon Bin Cby Dwith( C )11._does he get to school?He rides his bike.AHow long BHow far CHow DWhen( B )12.He is a _ boy.Atenyearsold BtenyearoldCten years old Dten year old( C )13._people are in the supermarket.AHundred BThree hundredsCThree hundred DThree hundred of( A )14.How far is _from your home_ the library?Ait,to Bthis,to Cthat,in Dit,in( B )15.It takes _ ten minutes _ his homework.Ahim,to Bhim,to do Chis,go Dhim,do( B )16.I like the food.It _ good.Asells Btastes Clooks Dsounds( D )17.Whats your _?I want to be a teacher.Ahabit Bjob Cshow Ddream( A )18.What do you _ the village?Its interesting.Athink of Bcome on Clook at Dask for( B )19.This weekend well have a basketball game.Do you want to _ us,John?Sure.I like basketball.Acall Bjoin Cmeet Dfind( B )20.My sister is _of dogs,so she never plays with them.Ahappy Bafraid Cshort Dsame二、完形填空。(10分)Look!Here is a photo of my _21_The tall man is my father.He _22_ in a radio station.He likes his job.Every morning he gets up early,because he doesnt want to be _23_for work.The radio station is far from our _24_,so my father always drives to work.It usually_25_him about forty minutes.The woman _26_white is my mother.She is a teacher.She_27_music in my school.She usually goes to school_28_She likes walking and she says its good _29_Can you see the girl in black?Its _30_My name is Lisa.I walk to school with my mother every day.( D )21.A.roomBschoolCfriendsDfamily( A )22.A.works Blives Cplays Dthinks( B )23.A.easy Blate Cbusy Dfat( C )24.A.school Bclub Chome Dstore( B )25.A.gets Btakes Cmakes Dwants( C )26.A.at Bon Cin Dof( A )27.A.teaches Bhas Csells Dshows( D )28.A.by bike Bby bus Cby car Don foot( C )29.A.number Bdream Cexercise Dsubject( D )30.A.her Byou Chis Dme三、阅读理解。(15分)AName:KelseyAge:22I can sing and dance.I can play the violin and the piano,but I cant play the guitar.Name:PaulAge:13I can sing,but I cant dance.I can play the trumpet and the guitar but I cant play the violin.( D )31.Kelsey can _Asing Bdance Cdraw DA and B( C )32.Kelsey cant _Aplay the violin Bplay the pianoCplay the guitar DA and B( A )33.Paul can _Asing Bdance Cdraw DA and B( A )34.Paul cant _Aplay the violin Bplay the trumpetCplay the guitar DA and B( B )35.Can Paul dance?AYes,he can. BNo,he cant.CYes,he is. DNo,he isnt.BMike works very long hours every day.He usually gets up at 17:00.He takes a shower and makes his breakfast.What a funny time to make breakfast!After breakfast he practices his guitar,then he puts on his jacket and goes to work.To get to work,he takes the number 17 bus to the Star Hotel.The bus usually leaves at 19:15.He works all night.People love to listen to him!He gets home at 7:00,and he watches the early morning news on TV.He goes to bed at 8:30,a tired but happy man.Can you think what his job is?( D )36.How long does Mike work?A7 hours. B8 hours.CAbout 9 hours. DAll night.( B )37.He_ and makes his breakfast.Agets up Btakes a showerCworks Dwashes his face( C )38.What does Mike do after breakfast?AHe goes to work.BHe puts on his clothes.CHe practices his guitar.DHe practices his piano,then puts on his jacket and goes to work.( B )39.Maybe he is_Aa worker Ba singer Ca writer Da teacher( D )40.How does he go to work?ABy car. BBy bike. COn foot. DBy bus.CHi,Im a middle school student.Im Jady.In my class there are thirtyeight students.How do they go to school every d
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