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2022年6月大学英语四级写作万能模板:描图类(2) 2022年6月大学英语四级写作万能模板:描图类(2) 方法一: 第一段:描图;其次段:现象解释;第三段:提倡解决。 方法二: 第一段:描图;其次段:正反观点;第三段:自己观点。 固然,以上方法仅供参考,假如你是学霸,可以自由组合模板,并适当的参加一些例子和数据。 第一局部:阐述现象的普遍性(选用) (1) Remarkably, this sort of phenomenon becomes the norm in our society, which can be seen almost everywhere. (2) Nobody fails to notice this fact, as it is now quite prevailing in contemporary society. (3) Strikingly, in contemporary society, this sort of phenomenon is becoming increasingly common and eye-catching. 其次局部:解释现象 (1) There are mainly two factors contributing to this social phenomenon. (2) Why, you may wonder, does this phenomenon arise? (3) The reasons for this social phenomenon are as follows. (4) Two fundamental factors/reasons could account for this social phenomenon. (5) Personally, among all the factors that account for this trend, the following are worth mentioning. 第三局部:缘由1 (1) To begin with, _ might be responsible for this social phenomenon. (2) First and foremost, this problem stems/results from _, which tends to be inevitable/unavoidable. (3) In the first place, this phenomenon could be attributed to _, which majority of the population fails to take into consideration. (4) For one thing, this situation could be seen/considered/regarded/deemed as a result/consequence of _. (5) Perhaps, this primary reason is that _(句子) 第三局部:缘由2(句式可以和缘由1一样) (1) Moreover/Furthermore/Whats more, _. (2) In addition, _. (3) Besides, _. (4) For another thing, _. (5) The second reason is that _. CET4报名:CET4报名时间 CET4考试:CET4考试时间 CET4作文:CET4作文范文 成绩查询:CET4成绩查询 CET4真题:CET4考试真题 CET4答案:CET4考试答案 点击免费试听 点击免费试听
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