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科普版小学英语五年级(下册)Lesson 11When do you usually get up ?陶海霞洛阳市瀍河回族区东关回民小学一、教学目标: 1知识目标 1)能听说、认读词组get up; go to school; by bike; on foot; be far from等。2)能听懂、会说并理解句子When do you usually . ? When does he(she)usually.? How do you usually go to school ?及其相应答语。 2能力目标 1)能熟练掌握这些词组。 2)在创设的情景中,能使用完成对话。 3情感目标 1)在活动、游戏中培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语交际能力。 2)培养时间观念,珍惜时间,能合理安排自己的日常生活。二、教学重点: 1重点短语 : get up; go to school; by bike; on foot; be far from等。 2熟练运用句型:When do you usually . ? When does he(she)usually.? How do you usually go to school ?及其相应答语。 三、教学难点: 对话中涉及主语是第三人称单数时动词的变化,应重点讲解,使学生能更好的掌握。 四、教学过程: Step 1 warm-up (热身) 1、Greetings.2、Lead-in.T: I get up at 6:30 this morning. I have breakfast at 7 oclock. Then I go to school by bus. What about you ?- Andy, when do you get up this morning? How do you go to school ? - Lucy, does Andy get up at 7:00? Boys and girls, today we will the new lesson.(板书课题)Step 2 Presentation.1. First ,lets listen to a new dialogue and the try to find the answer. a: Who are they ? b: What are they talking about?2. Do you know when does Lulu usually get up ? lets listen again .a: When does Lulu usually get up? b: How does she usually go to school ?3. What about Lingling? Please listen carefully.a: How does Lingling usually go to school ? b: And why?4. Look at the key words and retell the topic sentences. (师生)Step 3 Consolidation1. Open the book ,listen and repeat.2. Pratise in different ways .( TSs ; BoysGirls; Pairs ) 3. Act out.Step 4.Expanding1.Look at the pictures, the teacher and a student demo a new dialogue. a: Work in groups and make your own dialogue.b: Act out.2.Design a plan.a: The teacher shows her summer holidays plan.b: Students make their plan and show .Step 5 Homework1. Write your plan and share it next lesson.2. Read the dialogue fluently. Lesson 11 When do you usually get up ?Who What When HowLulu get up at 7:00 go to school by bike Lingling go to school on footTom
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