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中考模拟试题一听力(20分) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 5. A B C6. What match was there yesterday evening? A. A tennis match B. A football match C. A table tennis match7. What was the woman doing at 8:00 yesterday evening? A. Watching TV B. Playing games C. Surfing the internet8. How does John feel today?A. Excited B. Tired C. Relaxed9. What did John do last night? A. He listened to music B. He cooked to music C. He read a magazine10. What time did Jacks friends leave? A. At about 11:30pm B.At about 2:30am C.At about 1:30am11. What does the man want go have for breakfast?A. Bread and milk B. Bread and eggs C. Cakes and milk12. When will the man have his breakfast? A. At about 5:30am B. At about 8:30am C. At about 9:00 am13. Who will give a talk? A. A famous actor B. A famous teacher C. A famous manager14. When will the talk be?A.On Sunday night B.On Sunday afternoon C.On Saturday afternoon15. Where will the talk be?A.In the 1st meeting hall B.In the 2nd meeting hall C.In the 3rd meeting hall16.Your five-year-old brother always plays _ any of your things.17.I remember my little sister didnt leave my things _or made my room dirty.18.Maybe you could ask your mom and dad for help _.19.Another piece of advice might be to _ your door.20.And you might be able to keep him _ your things.二.单选(15分)2118-year-old girl called Anna fromEngland visitedGreat Wall last Friday .A. An , the B. A , C. An , D. A , the22. Its necessary us English well .A. for , to learn B. for , learning C. of , learning D. of , to learn23. - will your father be back from work ?-In half an hour .A. How long B. How soon C. when D. How often24. My cousin , Jack prefers tea sugar .A. in B. with C. to D. On25. He felt excited that he asked many questions about it .A. such , such B. so , so C. such , so D. so , such26. There a fashion show next week , isnt there ?A. is B. will be C. is going to be D. are going to be27.-Next week , Ill go to have my driving test . - .A. Dont worry B. It doesnt matter C. Good luck D. Have a good time28. Not my parents like cooking .My father only likes washing dishes . A. either B. each C. both D. every29. The victim had been dead the morning of Feb.25. A. on B. in C. since D. by30. -Is Simon playing basketball or football on the playground ?- . He is crazy about football .A. Yes , he is B. No , he isnt C. Football D. Basketball31. Millies father was sleeping he was watching TV .A. as B. when C. while D. After32. Millie ran back to school because she her magazine in the classroom .A. left B. forgot C. had left D. had forgotten33. Our teacher told us to the new words in the dictionary if we didnt know them .A. look over B. look after C. look down D. look up34.-Where you ? -I the teachers office .A. have ,been ; have been to B. have ,been to; have gone toC. Have, been ; have gone to D. Have, been to ; have been to35. No one knew what because of the thick fog(浓雾) .A. he had happened B. had happened to himC. had he happened D. has happened to him三.完形填空(10分) Susan had long blonde hair and big blue eyes. So did most of the other 36 In her school class, which trouble her a lot. “I look like everyone else! Im not special! Im boring!” Susan 37 to her mother. She decided to try to make herself look 38 . She painted big pink spots(点)on her neck and when she didnt get attention, she stuck a long plastic nose on top of her real nose. Nobady noticed that, 39 . She took ink(墨水) and poured it all over her 40 . She wore clown(小丑) clothes to school and stuck leaves in her ears. 41 no matter what she did, she still didnt get any attention and nobody thought she was special. One morning her mother went to wake her up and told her to get ready for school. She made Susan 42 the ink out of her hair and clean her neck. “Im not going to school today! Im boring!” She buried(埋藏) her head under the quilt and cried.“Susan,” her mother said, “You are different. You are unique(独一无二) and speci
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