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定冠词的用法(一)1、用在表示独一无二的或被认为是唯一东西的名词前The sky is clear blue now and the sun has flung diamonds down on meadow and bank and wood . 这时, 天空已是一片湛蓝, 太阳把千万颗宝石撒在草地上, 撒在河岸边, 撒在树林间。Outside the moon is high with a dark- blue sky behind it and with mountains, plains , and forests of silver lying below . 窗外 , 月亮挂在深蓝色的天幕上 , 天幕下是银色的山峦、平川和森林。The moon goes down, a raven cries and frost fills the sky . 月落乌啼霜满天。The world is like a stage . 世界就像一个舞台。On fine evenings, the Milky Way is ever so bright . 在晴朗的夜晚 , 银河非常亮。They thought the earth was the cent re of the universe . 他们认为地球是宇宙的心。但是, 某些这类名词若因阴晴雨雪等而表现出不同的状貌, 前有形容词修饰时, 亦可用不定冠词。例如 :a blue sky 蔚蓝的天空 , a starry sky 星光灿烂的夜空 , a cloudless sky 晴朗的天空 , a sullen sky 阴沉的天空 , a cloudy sky 多云的天空 , a dark- blue sky 深蓝色的天空 (幕 ) , in a sky of iron 在铁色的天空 , a new moon 新月 , a half moon 半月 , a full moon 满月 , a crescent moon 一钩新月 , a red sun 一轮红日再如普通名词 sea 等的类似表达法 : a calm sea 平静的海 , a rough sea 波涛汹涌的海 , a long sea 长波阔浪的海 , a short sea 急浪翻腾的海 , a strong wind 劲 风2、用在表示特指的人或物的名词前( 熟知或心照不宣的人或物 )Helen is in the garden . 海伦在花园里。 ( the garden of t he house)Where are the other students ?别的学生在哪儿 ? ( the students both of us know)It rained heavily during the night . 夜里下了暴雨。The birds are singing . 百鸟争鸣。The snows came . 下雪天来临了。The air is fresh after the rains . 雨后的空气非常清新。比较:She likes the man of no little humour . 她喜欢那个幽默风趣的人。( 特指 )She likes a man of no little humour . 她喜欢幽默风趣的人。 ( 泛指 )例如:Where are?(选D)A . Shoes B . a pair of shoes C . a pair of shoe D . the shoes3、用在第二次提到的人或物的名词前We were just preparing to pass the night in the open when an old man came up to us ,and insisted t hat we stay in his house . When we entered the house , the old man asked us to sit down , and began serving us coffee . 我们正准备在露天过夜 , 这时一位老人朝我们走来, 坚持要我们住在他的屋子里。我们就进了屋子, 老人让我们坐下, 端来了咖啡。4、用在由短语或从句修饰的名词前The key to the safe is lost . 保险箱的钥匙丢了。The restaurant where I had my dinner last night is most inconvenient . 昨晚我去吃饭的那家餐馆太不方便了。5、用在形容词、副词最高级或序数词前 ; only , main , sole , same 修饰名词时 , 前面也要 用定冠词Thats the main point . 那就是要点。He is the sole heir . 他是唯一的继承人。The same causes produce the same effects . 种瓜得瓜 , 种豆得豆。The darkest cloud has a silver lining . 山重水复处必是柳暗花明。H e is the first man to come . 他是第一个来的人。This is the only path through the forest . 这是穿过森林的唯一的小路。但在下列习语中, 序数词前不用定冠词 :We are first cousins . 我们是亲表兄弟。H e is second to none in skill . 他的技术比谁都高超。H e went to see her first thing in the morning . 他早上首先去看她。其他如 : at first glance, on second thoughts, first prize 头奖 , first secretary 第一书记6、用在单数名词前表示属类The whale is in danger of becoming extinct . 鲸有灭绝的危险。The rose smells sweet . 玫瑰花香。A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush . 一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林。The telephone was invented by Alexander G . Bell . 电话是由亚历山大G贝尔发明的。Who invented the television ?电视是谁发明的 ?The f ox may grow grey, but never good . 狐狸会变老 , 但不会变好。The burnt child dreads the fire . 挨过烫的孩子怕火。The cautious man shouldnt do like that . 谨慎的人是不会那样做的。You d better play the man a little more . 你应该多一点男子汉气概。The yen was undervalued compared wit h the dollar . 日元对美元的比值降低了。The kilometre is the international standard . 千米是国际通用的标准。7、用在复数名词前表示某类人的总称或集体中的任何一个或多于一个Once in a while they go to the shops . (指一个商店或多个商店 )Her countenance is like the flowers and the moon . 她有着花容月貌。What surprises him most is that the government employees are mildly annoyed at the de-cision . 最使他感到吃惊的是 , 所有的政府雇员都对这项决定感到有些气愤。也表示泛指时日。例如 :The times have changed . 时代变了。The years went by . 一年又一年。 (光阴荏苒。)8、 用在形容词、动名词、过去分词前表示同一类人或物或某种抽象概念作主语时, 谓语动词一般用复数。但表示某一个人, 某种抽象概念或抽象事物时, 谓语动词用单数。例如 :the rich 富人the deceased 死者the old 老年人 ( 旧的东西 )the condemned the employed 雇员the socially gifted 具有非凡交际能力的人the mentally unbalanced 精神失常者the down- trodden 受蹂躏的人the unusual 古怪的东西the difficult 困难的东西the unexpected 不可预料的东西 ( 事)the sentimental 多愁善感the innocent 无辜的人the blind 盲人the homeless 无家可归的人the dead 死者the injured 受伤者the sick 病人the young 年轻人the wicked 恶人the oppressed 被压迫者the elderly 年长者the dying 将死的人the sublime 高尚 ( 的东西 )the right and t he wrong 对与错the false , the evil and the ugly 假、丑、恶the good and t he evil 善与恶the assured 被保险人the fair 美人the brave 英雄the missing 失踪者the mentally ill 精神病患者the ordinary 寻常的东西the mystical 神秘古怪的东西the unknown 未知的东西the impossible 不可能的事the supernatural 神奇( 超自然) 的东西the living 活着的人the dumb 哑巴the deaf 聋人the handicapped 残疾人the aged 老人the wounded 伤员the privileged 特权阶级the unscrupulous 无耻之徒the unemployed 失业者the exploited 受剥削者the well-to- do 富裕的人the learned 有学问的人the ridiculous 荒谬 ( 的东西 )the true , t he good and the beautiful 真、善、美The young like skiing . 年轻人喜欢滑雪。Heal the wounded and rescue the dying . 救死扶伤。The living mourn for the dead . 生者哀悼死者。The learned are most modest . 有学问的人总是很谦逊的。The handicapped need our help . 残疾人需要我们的帮助。The well-to- do have their cares also . 富裕的人也有烦恼。For
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