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北京百朗时代文化发展中心 2015年3月PETS2真题分析报告百朗时代英语听力与口语研发中心2015年3月PETS2考试,延续往年考试特点,语言地道,场景真实,设题灵活,信息点丰富。本次考试依然全面体现了四个能力考查点,设置了事实细节题,推理判断题,主旨大意题及情感态度题。最大变化在主播方面,启用了新主播Joe和Sharon。这启示我们平时练习应适应不同主播的语音,而非只熟悉特定主播的声音,做到真正听懂外国人的语音。一、总体情况在材料方面,长度适中,共约967个词,与去年考试相差不大,信息量丰富;在话题方面,没有特别新颖和生疏的话题,见表1;在主播方面,今年3月考试用了新主播Joe和Sharon,语速平稳,约150wpm;在设题方面,以考查事实细节为主;在难度方面,难度适中,灵活题个数约为12-13个,选项多用同义转述;大约有7-8个直白题,答案可从材料中直接获取。表1 Text 1 Text 10话题列表PASSAGESTOPICSPASSAGESTOPICSText 1请人帮忙搬书Text 6看剧Text 2没赶上会议Text 7机场安检Text 3手机故障没接到电话Text 8换工作Text 4公司外派到德国工作Text 9采访作家Text 5去野餐Text 10关于肥胖的调查二、变化之处与2014年9月考试相比,变化在于:1. 新主播。今年主播为Joe和Sharon,而去年9月主播为Robert和Laura。2. 长对话的试题结构。今年3月试题的Text 6至Text 10的试题个数为23334,而去年9月为23244。但往年也有同今年3月这样的结构,如2013年3月。三、特点详述主要体现在以下两个方面:1. 灵活题的考查方式。(1)选项多用同义转述。如试卷的第2、3、15、16、20题。2. What do we know about Mr. Smith? A. He missed the meeting.B. He was late for the meeting.C. He wasnt invited to the meeting.答案为A。此题需要了解有关Mr. Smith的信息,从谈话双方的讨论中可知Mr. Smith 没能赶上会议。其中女士说了“he couldnt make it”,即“missed it”。3. Why did the man fail to answer the phone? A. He went to sleep early.B. The TV was too noisy.C. His phone was broken.答案为C。此题关键信息点在男士说的话“My phone was out of order. I didnt hear anything.”需要理解“out of order”的意思是出故障了,类似表达还有“My battery died.”15. What is Simons first novel mainly about? A. His fathers work as a reporter.B. His experience in South Africa.C. His volunteer work in Vietnam.答案为B。题干问男士的第一部小说的主要内容,从男士的话中“its kind of an everyday story of my life and schooling in South Africa.”可知是关于南非的经历。“an everyday story of my life and schooling”即“His experience”。16. What does Simon plan to do after graduation? A. Go on to study abroad.B. Find a job in Vietnam.C. Write his second novel.答案为B。此题从男士的话中“I plan to work there when I graduate.”可知他毕业后打算到越南找工作,“to work there”即到那儿“find a job”。有趣的是,“work there”&“find a job”在第12题中也出现了,同样的设题技巧,足见这两个词在口语表达中的使用频率有多高。 20. What does the speaker suggest parents do? A. Prepare good food for children.B. Spend more time with children.C. Pay attention to their own habits.答案为C。此题从材料中“I advise all parents to watch their own habits.”可知谈话者建议家长们注意下自己的习惯,“watch”即“pay attention to”。(2)典型的推断题。如第4、5、6、10、12、13题。其中第10题较难。4. Why is the woman going to Germany? A. To work there.B. To visit friends.C. To study German.答案为A。此题从男士的话中“I heard the company is sending you to Germany for the new project.”可知女士将被公司派到国外工作。其中的关键词“the company”及“the new project”可推断是去工作。5. What is the man trying to do? A. Tell Sarah when the picnic ends.B. Persuade Sarah to go to the picnic.C. Ask Sarah to drive him to the picnic.答案为B。此题可从双方的谈话中推断出男士正在说服女士去野餐。关键点在最后一句“Come with us!”6. Who is the woman? A. A tourist. B. An actress. C. A musician.答案为A。此题从女士的话中“Excuse me. I will stay in the city for a few days, and Id like to know whats on.”可推断女士只是来这儿呆几天的游客。10. When does the mans flight leave? A. At 09:00. B. At 11:00. C. At 11:30.答案为C。此题从女士的话“It is nine oclock now, and boarding will begin in two hours 30 minutes before the flight takes off.”可知现在是9点,两个小时后登机,即11点,而且登机开始于起飞前半个小时,由此可推断起飞时间在11:30。12. What seems to be Andrews future plan? A. Start a travel business.B. Learn to speak Spanish.C. Find a new job in Spain. 答案为C。此题问男士将来的打算,从女士问“what kind of job are you looking for?”及男士回答“Maybe something in the travel industry. Id love to work somewhere nice and warm. Spain is my first choice.”可知他打算到西班牙找工作。而“Start a travel business”是女士的建议,从男士的回答“The problem is I dont speak Spanish. Itll be difficult for me to start a business there.”及“Wellone day, maybe.”可知他并没有去西班牙创业的打算。13. What is the relationship between Carrie and Andrew? A. Good friends.B. Fellow workers.C. Travel companions.答案为A。此题问人物关系。从上下文中首先得知他们并非同事,然后从“Anyway, lets go for lunch. We havent seen each other for quite some time.”可知两人是好朋友。2. 干扰性比较大。如第12题。整套试题,都能很好的体现选项干扰这个设题技巧。其中1、2、5、12小题,干扰性比较大。尤其是12小题,信息量大,且干扰信息多;出题、题干设计的角度比较新颖,同时使用同义转述(work)技巧;学生在此题上可能比较纠结。 12. What seems to be Andrews future plan? A. Start a travel business.B. Learn to speak Spanish.C. Find a new job in Spain. 答案为C。A和C极易混淆,需仔细分析两者的区别,并真正理解男士的想法。总体而言,本次考试延续以往二级考试独有的风格,且其风格相对稳定,体现了语言学习的交际沟通目标。建议如下:(1)熟悉生活场景词汇及表达;(2)从音、词、句、语法方面巩固基础知识,增强辨音能力;(3)甄别好材料来练习。可综合考虑话题的选取,灵活题的设置方式,语言的地道性; (4)熟悉不同主播的声音,以应对主播可能的变化,做到真正听懂外国人的语音。 3
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