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3年级 Unit 1 Lesson 1 (1)一、教学内容:1.主题课文:-Hello, boys and girls! welcome back to school.-Nice to see you again , Miss Wang. -You look happy today.-Its our first day of school.- Today is the first day of September.-Its the second day of the week. 2.功能句型:-Its our first day of school.3.词汇:掌握:boy girl miss first September fourth second认读:the first /fourth day, the second week二、教学目标:(一)知识与技能目标:1.学生能够在开学第一天的语境中理解、学习boy, girl, miss, first, September, second等词汇,在描述日期中初步体会序数词first-fourth的用法;2.学生能够在描述日期顺序的语境中理解、学习Its our first day of school. ;并能在多种朋友很久再见面的语境中较灵活使用打招呼的用语。 3.学生能够理解课文对话的基础上正确朗读课文;(二)过程与方法目标:指导学生在老师设置的情景中模仿课文中的角色,掌握请求对方做某事及其回答的交际用(三)情感态度价值观目标: 学生在学习的过程中主动使用英文礼貌用语和人打招呼,体验用英语交流的乐趣,学会礼貌待人。三、教学重难点:(结合教学重点及上位知识分析确定本课时的教学重点)(一)重点: 1词 汇:学生已学过有关月份(September, October, November, December, January, February)和节日(New Years Day, Chinese New Year, Christmas, National Day, Teachers Day)的词汇,学生能用英语表达节日在某月某日;这对本单元中学生描述节日的日期扫清障碍。学生对名词单、复数变化规则有所了解;对于本课时新词汇boy girl miss first September fourth second教师要引导学生开始进行自主拼读单词的训练。2功能句和语言点:welcome back to school , nice to see you again ;等句子学生在一,二年级多次学习接触,本课时需要在话题表述中再次巩固强化运用。表述的语言力求成段,逻辑性强,语言更丰富(1-3句组成的语段)(二)难点: 语法点the first day of September四、教具准备:单词卡片,放音机,磁带,课件五、教学过程:一、Warming up活动一:口语练习活动目标:对学生进行日常用语的训练。实施方法和师生预设语言:Ask and answer:T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls.Its our first day of school.Nice to see you again ,boys and girls. S:Answer.设计意图: 为了帮助学生运用已经学过的常用的日常用语,为课文教学做铺垫。Welcome (back) to_, 并在情景中引入创设开学情景。在与学生拉近距离的同时,复习了Nice to see you 以及新句型: You look adj.二、Presentation 活动一:看一看,说一说T:Look at the picture, where are they?Do the students look happy?设计意图:观察主题图,本活动重在听前预测。从热身环节的问候过渡到书中的课堂情境。回答问题, 了解到书中主人公们开学重新回到校园都很快乐。做到对对话情境与主旨的预测,迅速调整状态,准备进行听力输入。活动二:看一看,听一听(1)T: Now, look at the picture and listen to the tape, tell me what do they say when they meet each other. 设计意图:让学生边看图,边泛听第一段对话,使其听中体会课文情境,并且初步猜测生句生词的含义。鼓励他们说出听到的内容,为下一个活动,检查所听内容,找到具体对象,并且增强学习积极性。泛听使其对对话有宏观把握,了解对话大意。促使学生学习、体会开学相见时该如何打招呼与开展对话。活动三:读一读,查一查(1)T: Please read with the tape and check the answer.设计意图:本活动为听后环节,验证所听信息。把听觉转化为视觉,更直观,更深入的的体会课文含义,跟读课文把听读结合在一起,帮助学生模仿发音。学生认读开学问候彼此的语句, 暴露学生的问题(新句型Its our first day of school) ,让学生对没有学过的句型整体猜测。从而让下一个看日历的活动有的放矢。活动四:小小日历告诉你(1)T: Now, the calendar (日历)can tell you. Look, which number is today? (指)One, the first. Its the first day of school. Today is the first day of this month, September. Its September the first. 设计意图:利用询问日期的情境与日历中的基数词one,对比one引导出序数词first,温故知新。用课文句型引导出first day of school.结合日历充分理解序数词first的含义。 再通过观察日历,引导出Today is the first day of September. 从而引出September,再用This month解释September,从而理解本课新句Its the first day of September, 并对of 的用法有所体会。让学生对用英语描述日历中的日期产生兴趣。活动五:看一看,听一听(2)T:Look at the picture, their class begins. Listen, what do they say about today in class?设计意图:听中环节,视听结合,根据主题图和提示问题,泛听对话大意,了解开学第一天的其他种表达方式,并与周,月,日期相联系活动六:读一读,查一查(2)T:Lets read with the tape and check what youve found.设计意图:跟读课文把听读结合在一起,模仿课文发音,检验所听信息,使其对没有听到的词句印象更深刻,加强学生学习的目的性。让学生意识到在讨论月份的语境中可用多种形式表达:这是开学的第一天,从而开展对话。活动七:小小日历告诉你(2)Today is the first day of this month, September. Its September the first, Monday. Its the second day in a week. Which day is September the second? Tuesday. Which day is September the third? Wednesday. Which day is September the fourth? Thursday.设计意图:通过观看日历并结合第二段对话语境,用课文句型引导出September。通过看日历,判断September 1st 是Monday, 从而通过句子Its the second day of the week.引导出second。 而second已然显而易见的呈现于日历之上,因此大大降低了理解序数词second含义与用法的难度。另外,还可以再此基础上通过询问日期引导出下节课的序数词third和fourth。至此,本课四会词已全部通过看日历的活动引导出,做到了显而易见,不断重现,易于理解,简单易行,实效性高。presentation环节到此结束。三、practice活动一:同桌互读T:Work in pairs, practice and remember the two dialogues.设计意图:课文语境中识记开学打招呼和开学第一天的表达。由于第二段对话很短且主题与dialogue1相同,所以与第一段结合在一起练习。四、Production:情景模拟活动一:表演对话设计意图:展示练习成果,使语境更加真实,激发学生学习积极性,让学生说起来,自信起来。检验学生对课文的理解程度。五、Summary:重点词句填空 Hello, boys and girls! _ back to school.Nice to see you _, Miss Wang.You _ happy today.Its our _ day of school.Today is the first day of September.Its the _day of the week.设计意图:通过课文情境与日历的再现, 在运用中巩固本课所学重点词句,加强学生记忆。六、评价总结:1.教师语言激励性评价。2“小旗子”激励性评价。学生在一种积极地激励下学习,有利于主观能动性的调动。因此教师利用“小旗子”评价来激发学生的的表达意愿和学生的合作意识,培养学生积极向上的品质。操作方式是这样的:从学习主题课文开始,学生每参与一次课堂活动表达出自己的思想就可以为本组得到一面旗子。培养学生的参与和集体荣誉感。七训练题:选择恰当的词1.Today is the( first, one) day of September.2. Its the ( two, second) day of this week. 3. I have(two, second) pencils, I like both of them.设计意图:通过练习中的语境,区分序数词与基数词,加深对于序数词用法的认识。八、作业(Class closing and homework)1.听录音,熟读课文及主要句型。2.抄写所学单词并背诵。板书设计: Lesson one Its our first day of school.Welcome back to school, boys and girls.Today is the first day of September.Its the second day of the week.boy girl miss first fourth SeptemberUnit one
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