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译林版英语五年级下册第一次月考测试题(一)(根据译林版英语五年级下册一二单元内容编写)第一部分 听力部分一、听录音,选出句中你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A. taxi B. train C. metro( ) 2. A. plane B. park C. ship( ) 3. A. school B. street C. show( ) 4. A. basket B. bike C. bus( ) 5. A. behind B. near C. far二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( ) 1. A. He lives on Star Street. B. She lives on Park Street. C. He lives on Star Road.( ) 2. A. Its near the hospital. B. Its near the supermarket. C. Its near the school.( ) 3. A. Can I go to school by bike? B. Can I go to school on foot? C. Can I go to school by taxi?( ) 4. A. Do you like your new home? B. How do you go home? C. Where do you live now?( ) 5. A. I can make a plane. B. She can make a ship. C. I can make a dress.三、听录音。选择合适的答句。( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesnt.( ) 2. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, it is. C. No, she isnt.( ) 3. A. Bye-bye. B. By plane. C. On foot.( ) 4. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, he has. C. Yes, he does.( ) 5. A. She likes washing clothes. B. She is a taxi driver. C. She can fly a kite.( ) 6. A. What a pity! B. Well done!C. Because my school is too far.第二部分 笔试部分一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Look at the _ (prince) house! Its so nice.2. The girl _ (put) on her new clothes to visit her grandparents.3. I _ (can) draw a picture because I dont have any crayons.4. Let _ (I) help you, Dad.5. Helen _ (come) here with her sister.6. They _ (have) a good time in the park.二、单项选择。( ) 1. -Why _ you come to school today? -Because Ive got a bad cold.A. are B. can C. cant( ) 2. -_ skirt is this? -Its Jennys, I think.A. What B. Whos C. Whose( ) 3. -Whats the time?-Its five oclock. I have _ home now.A. go B. to go C. to go to( ) 4. Mr. Liu is _ English teacher. Hes _ old.A. ; an B. an; a C. an; ( ) 5. -Whats the matter, Yang Ling?-My foot _.A. hurts B. hurt C. hurting三、句型转换。1. Take off your coat.(改为否定句)_ take off your coat.2. You can swim in the river.(改为否定句)You _ swim in the river.3. Im so hungry because l dont have breakfast this morning.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you so hungry?4. They have a good time today.(用He替换They改写句子)_ _ a good time today.四、连词成句。1. we, now, have, begin, to (.)_2. to, at, oclock, he, seven, school, goes (.)_3. not, blouse, fit, does, the (. )_4. are, today, so, why, tired, you (?)_五、阅读短文,回答下列问题。Its Sunday today. Its cold. I put on my warm clothes and go to visit my uncle. My uncle is a farmer. He has a small farm. There are many apples on the farm. I like to eat them. There are five cows on the farm too. I can milk the cow. Its fun. I always have a good time on the farm. Sometimes I go to the farm with my father and mother. But they cant go to the farm today. Because they have to go to work today. What a pity!( ) 1. What day is it today?( ) 2. Is it warm today?( ) 3. What does the writers uncle do?( ) 4. Whats on the farm?( ) 5. Why cant the writers parents go to the farm today?听力原文:一、1. You can go to the zoo by metro. 2. Is the park far from your home? 3. There are many buses and can in the street. 4. I usually go to school by bus 5. Its near City Library.二、1. He lives or Star Street. 2. Its near the school. 3. Can I go to school on foot? 4. How do you go home? 5. I can make a plane三、1. Does your aunt live in Shanghai? 2. Is your home far from here? 3. How do you go to visit London? 4. Does Sam have a bike? 5. What does your sister do? 6. Why cant you go to school by bike?听力答案:一、1-5 CBBCB二、1-5 ACBBA三、1-6 CBBCBC笔试答案:一、1. princes 2. puts 3. cant 4. me 5. comes 6. have 二、1-5 CCBCA三、1. Dont 2. cant 3. Why are 4. He has四、1. We have s begin now. 2. He goes to school at seven oclock. 3. The blouse does not fit. 4. Why are you so tired today?五、1. Its Sunday. 2. No, it isnt. Its cold3. He is a farmer. 4. There are many apples and five cows. 5. Because they have to go to work today.
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