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一、Before class begins(上课之前)Has the bell rung ?打铃了吗?Will the bell ring soon ?快打铃了吗?Is that the bell?是打铃了吗?How many minutes are there to go before class ?还有几分钟上课?The bell will ring in a few minutes.还有几分钟就打铃了.Its nearly time for class.快到上课时间了Lets get ready for class.让我们准备好上课。Take out your books, please.请把书拿出来。10.Put your books on the desks, please.请把书放在课桌上。There are still five minutes to go .还有五分钟。Take out your notebooks, and put them on your desks.拿出笔记本,把它们放在课桌上。Its time for class.该上课了。Shall we start?我们开始好吗?二、开始上课Beginning class1.Greetings问候Good morning,boys and girls!早上好,男孩儿、女孩儿们!Good afternoon,class!早上好,同学们!I hope you are all feeling well today.我希望大家今天都感觉不错。I hope you have all had a nice weekend.我希望你们周末都过得愉快。What day is it today?今天星期几?Lets start.让我们开始吧。Good morning,boys and girls!Whats the date today?今天几号?Whats the weather like today?今天天气如何?Whats it like outside?2.点名与值日Registering and dutyLets have a roll call.我们点名吧Answer when your name is called.叫到你的名字是请回答“到”Who is on duty today?今天谁值日?Are you on duty ?是你值日吗?外面天气如何?Your classroom looks nice and clean.你们的教室美观 、干净。You have done your duty very well.你的值日做得很好.Im sorry to say you havent done your duty well enough.很遗憾,你的值日没有尽到责任.Well, dont forget to perform your duty next time.下次别忘了做值日.3.Absnce缺席Is everyone (everybody) here?人都到齐了吗?Yes, we are all here except Li Ming.是的, 除了李明, 我们都来了。Is anyone else absent?还有缺席的吗?Why is he absent?他为什么没来?Whos absent?Whos away?谁没来?Did he ask for leave?4.迟到LatenessWhy are you late ?你为什么会迟到?I did not hear the bell.我没听见铃声响.Please come earlier next time.下次请早点来.Where have you been ?你去哪儿了?We started five minutes ago.我们上课已有五分钟了。他请假了吗?Whats the matter with her?她怎么了?Go to you seat. We have already begun the lesson.到座位上去,我们已经上课了。Try to be on time下次要准时到.Dont be late next time下次别再迟到了.Dont be late anymore.下次别迟到了。三、课程管理Class control1.Homework作业Have you all handed in your exercise-books?你们都交作业了吗?Monitor, have you collected all the exercise-books.班长,练习本收齐了吗?Yes, here they are.是的,已收齐了No, not yet. Some comrades have not finished their work yet.没有,还没有收齐,有的学生没做完作业Collect all the exercise-books after class, and take them to my office, please.下课后请将练习本收齐,送到我的办公室You must hand in your work on time.你们必须准时交作业Make it up and hand it in tomorrow.把它补上,明天交Here are your exercise-books. Please give them out.这是你们的练习本,请发下去Pass out the exercise.2.Classroom activities课堂活动Start!Start now开始!Everybody togetherAll together所有人一起来Practice in a groupPractice In groupsIn groups,please分组练习Get into groups of threefour三或四人一组Every body find a partnerfriend每人找一个搭档把这些练习传给大家Take one and pass them on.每人拿一份,然后往下传In pairs,please两人一组练习Now you,pleaseYour turn(Students name)轮到你了Next,pleaseNow you do the same,pleaseWho wants to be A?谁想扮演呢?Stand in lineLine up站成一条线One by oneOne at a time,please一个一个来。Dont speak out请不要说出来Turn around转一圈3.指令Issuing a commandPractice the dialogue,please请练习对话SayRead after me,please跟我读Follow me,please跟我做Repeat,pleaseRepeat after me重复我说的Once more,pleaseOne more time,please再一次Come here,please请来这里Please come to the front请到前面来Come up and write on the blackboard过来写在黑板上Please go back to your seat请回到你的座位In English,please请用英语说Put your hand up,pleaseRaise your hand,please请举手Put your hands down,pleaseHands down,pl
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