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(英语)英语强调句练习题含答案一、初中英语强调句1It wasnt until Monday night _ we were told that Unit 5 would be excluded(排除). A.sinceB.whenC.thatD.before【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:直到星期一晚上我们才被告诉第5单元被排除。此处是not.until的强调句型,故答案为C。【点评】考查强调句型。本题涉及not.until的强调句型的应用。2I _ you can finish the exam in two hours. A.does believeB.do believeC.did believedD.do believed【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我确实相信两个小时内能完成考试。这里用来强调,在谓语动词前加助动词do表示强调。句子的主语是第一人称,所以位于动词不能用单数,故排除A;did后用动词原形;do后用动词原形,故选B。【点评】本题考查强调句型。以及does believe;do believe;did believed;do believed四种强调句子的区别和用法。3Mike likes playing basketball. A.so does he.B.So he is.C.So she does.D.So he does.【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:迈克喜欢打篮球。他的确如此。本句是表达“的确如此”,用半倒装句“so+主语+be/助动词/情态动词”,上句是实义动词,且为一般现在时,主语是he,第三人称单数,因此助动词用does,即So he does,故选D。 【点评】考查副词so位于句首的倒装形式。注意当主语是人称代词时,要用半倒装形式。4Was it last summer _ you and your friends went to Moscow? A.whenB.howC.whichD.that【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:你和你的朋友去莫斯科是去年夏天吗?A. when什么时候; B. how怎样 ;C. which哪一个;D. that那个。此处是强调时间状语,强调句的一般疑问句的基本形式是was it+被强调部分+that+其他部分,故选D。 【点评】 考查强调句,注意调句的一般疑问句的基本形式是was it+被强调部分+that+其他部分的用法。5It is very interesting _ snowmen in winter. A.makingB.buildingC.to makeD.to build【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:冬天堆雪人很有趣。Its+形容词+todosth,做某事怎样,固定句型结构,故选C。 【点评】考查固定句型结构。注意it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。6- made her ashamed of herself?- the lowest mark in her class.A.What; Because she gotB.Was it what; GettingC.What was it that; That she gotD.What was it that; Get【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:是什么让她对她自己感到羞愧?是她获得了她班上的最低分让她惭愧。A中的what是句子的主语,但是because引导的从句不作主语,是原因状语从句,故排除;B的第一空是错误形式,故排除;C、D两项的第一个选项是一样的,说明第一个题干是一个强调句型,特殊疑问句下的强调句型,有what引导;第二个空是对what的回答,因为what是上一句的主语,That she got the lowest mark in her class是从句,可以作主语;而D项的get是动词原形,不能作主语,故答案为C。【点评】考查强调句型的使用和对特殊疑问句的回答,注意问什么回答什么,也就是说疑问词what是句子的主语,回答的内容也需要在句子中能作主语。7It was _he came back from Africa that year_he met the girl he would like to marry. A.when; thenB.not; untilC.not until; thatD.only; when【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:直到那年他从非洲回来,他才遇到他想要结婚的女孩。本题考查强调结构的特殊形式:It is/was + not until that从句。故C正确。【点评】考查not until在强调句型中的使用,牢记强调句型的基本结构和not until句型。8Was it in the village _ we used to live in _ the accident happened?A.where; thatB.which; thatC.that; whereD.where; which【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查强调句。第一空考查定语从句,先行词是the village,定语从句中不缺主宾表,第二空填that考查强调句,句意:是在我们过去生活的村子发生事故的吗?故B正确。9Its in the city you are going to pay a visit to _ this kind of beer is produced. A.whichB.thatC.whereD.when【答案】B 【解析】【分析】:考查强调句型。强调句型的基本结构为It is/was被强调成分that/who其它成分;其最大的特点就是去掉it is/wasthat/who句子仍然成立。要注意强调句型能强调除谓语动词以为的所有的句子成分。在考查的时候,经常会把强调句型和定语从句结合在一起考查,要注意分析句子的成分。本句强调的是地点状语in the city you are going to pay a visit to。句意:就是在你们要去参观的这座城市里,生产了这种啤酒。故B正确。【点评】随着高考考点的不断深入变化,该句型总是以新的面孔出现,或本身发生变化,或与其他句式结构相结合,然而万变不离其宗,总是脱不掉it,be,that/who这一框架结构。结合近几年有关高考题的特点,将其变化形式归纳如下:强调句型的一般疑问句形式。一. 句式特征:Is/ Was it +被强调部分+ that; 二、结合特殊疑问词构成特殊疑问句形式。句式特征:特殊疑问词+is/was it that? 三、强调句型的反意疑问句形式。句式特征为:It is/was+被强调部分+that,isnt / wasnt it? 四、强调句型的感叹句形式。句式特征为:what/ how it is (that) +主语+谓语!10I just wonder that makes him so excited. A.why it doesB.what he doesC.how it isD.what it is【答案】D 【解析】【分析】本题题干相当于I just wonder what makes him so excited.的意义, 所以该题实际上为强调句型的特殊疑问句式, what为宾语从句的连接词且在从句中作主语。11It was only with the help of the local guide _. A.was the mountain climber rescued B.that the mountain climber was rescuedC.when the mountain climber was rescued D.then the mountain climber was rescued【答案】B 【解析】【分析】此处only with the help of the local guide是被强调的部分。原句可改为:The mountain climber was rescued only with the help of the local guide.句意:只有在当地导游的帮助下,那些登山运动员才能得救。12It was with great joy _ he received the news _ his lost son would soon return home.A.because; thatB.that; thatC.because; whichD.that; 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】根据句子结构可知his lost son would soon return home是news的同位语从句,故用that;主句是it is/was. . . that的强调句型,故也用that。故选B13
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