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港口企业无车承运人运营体系改进问题探究港口企业无车承运人运营体系改进问题探究 本文关键词:承运人,探究,港口, 改进,运营港口企业无车承运人运营体系改进问题探究 本文简介:摘要 随着科技 的飞速发展,智慧物流和互联网+在物流业得到广泛应用。公路货运行业从 传统模式转型向互联网模式发展,无车承运人的出现在行业引起广泛关注。特别 是国家政策的支持,为本行业发展提供了良好的条件。作为大宗散货的集散地, 港口货物集疏运业务中公路运输占据较大比例。传统 港口企业无车承运人运营体系改进问题探究 本文内容:摘要随着科技的飞速发展,智慧物流和互联网+在物流业得到广泛应用。公 路货运行业从传统模式转型向互联网模式发展,无车承运人的出现在行业引起广 泛关注。特别是国家政策的支持,为本行业发展提供了良好的条件。作为大宗散 货的集散地,港口货物集疏运业务中公路运输占据较大比例。传统的港口集疏运 采用货主自行委托物流公司发货运输,物流公司组织运力。无车承运人模式相对 于传统模式更具有优势。本文以A公司为例,系统研究了无车承运人运营体系优化问题。A公司是 一家国有港口企业,主要从事港口货物装卸业务。目前其上线的无车承运人业务 开始运行。本文通过梳理该无车承运人的运营体系,走访相关职能部门,了解业 务现状以及通过对终端客户的调查问卷梳理其运营体系中存在的问题,并分析问 题原因。主要问题为在其无车承运业务领域涉及到信用评价体系缺失和服务质量 体系有待优化两个方面。根据分析问题的原因制定相关的优化策略。主要优化策 略有:第一、重新建立信用评价体系。在交易前对车辆、驾驶员驾龄、车辆故障 率、交易中运输的准时性、安全性、交易后的后续服务中将各项指标进行量化, 形成总得分。托运方可以根据分数组成甄选和平台智能匹配运输车辆。第二、对 现行的平台服务质量进行优化提升。以及如何保证优化方案能得到顺利进行而采 取保障措施。本文运用国内外相关信用评价、服务质量理论,提出了优化 A 公 司运营体系优化的方案建议,希望能为提高 A 公司运营管理水平,促进公司稳 定快速发展起积极作用。本文的创新之处在于将信用评价体系作为目前平台运营体系的缺失模块予 以补充,并从客户关注点角度对流程进行分析,优化体系中增强了运营部门对相 关职能部门进行的考核力度,从而增强运营部门对无车承运业务的管控力度。本文的研究成果为港口无车承运业务管理工作提供了必要的指导,也为同行 业其他公司物流公司提供了借鉴。关键词:运营体系;无车承运人;信用评价;服务质量管理。AbstractWith the rapid development of technology, smart logistics and “Internet +” have been widely used in the logistics industry. The road freight industry has evolved from a traditional model to an Internet model, and the emergence of car-free carriers has caused widespread concern in the industry. In particular, the support of national policies has provided good conditions for the development of the industry. As a distribution center for bulk bulk cargoes,road transport accounts for a large proportion of port cargo collection and distribution operations. The traditional port collection and distribution uses the cargo owner to entrust the logistics company to ship and transport, and the logistics company organizes the transportation capacity. The car-free carrier mode has advantages over the traditional mode.This paper takes Company A as an example to systematically study the optimization of the car carriers operating system. Company A is a state-owned port company mainly engagedin port cargo handling business. The car-free carrier business that is currently on the line is now operational. This paper sorts out the operating system of the car-free carrier, visits the relevant functional departments, understands the current situation of the business, and sorts out the problems in the operating system through the questionnaires of the terminal customers,and analyzes the causes of the problems. The main problem is that the lack of credit evaluation system and the service quality system need to be optimized in the field of car-free carrier business. Develop relevant optimization strategies based on the analysis of the problem. The main optimization strategies are: First, re-establish a credit evaluation system.The indicators are quantified before the transaction for the vehicle, the drivers driving experience, the vehicle failure rate, the punctuality of the transportation in the transaction, the safety, and the follow-up service after the transaction to form a total score. The shipper can intelligently match the transport vehicle based on the score composition and platform. Second, optimize and improve the current platform service quality. And how to ensure that the optimization program can be carried out smoothly and take safeguards. This paper proposes the proposal of optimizing the operation system optimization of Company A by using relevant credit evaluation and service quality theory at home and abroad. It hopes to play an active role in improving the operation and management level of Company A and promoting the stable and rapid development of the company.The innovation of this paper is to supplement the credit evaluation system as the missing module of the current platform operation system, and analyze the process from the perspective of customer focus. The optimization system enhances the assessment of the relevant functional departments by the operation department, thus enhancing The operationdepartment controls and controls the car-free carrier business.The research results of this paper provide the necessary guidance for the management of the car-free carrier business in the port, and also provide reference for other companies in the same industry.Key words: Operation system; Car-free carrier; Credit evaluation;Service quality management。第 1章 绪论1.1 研究背景及意义。1.1.1 研究背景。现代物流业是当今社会的重要新兴产业。伴随着经济供给侧结构改革,我国 的物流产业发展迅速。一方面,从量上分析,在中国物流与采购联合会的数据显 示:20xx年中国社会物流总量为252万亿元。另一方面,物流业是国民经济的 基础产业,特别是现代物流业是国家重点生产性服务业。其集合了道路运输业、 仓储产业和信息化,自动化等多个产业。涉及的领域广,吸纳就业人口较多。物 流业规模与经济增长之间有较强关联。积极发展现代物流业能够推动产业结构调 整和升级,其发展程度是衡量综合国力的重要指标之一。近几年的物流行业发展 迅速得益于国内经济的快速增长,但和发达国家物流水平相比,我国物流业还处 在发展期向成熟期的过渡阶段。一方面,物流企业资源整合,受到资本的青睐。 资产重组频率越来越快,创造了一批服务精细的现代化物流企业;另一方面,在 互联网+带动的物流业态中,人工智能、大数据开始走进物流行业;再一方面, 伴随着产业升级,社会物流总费用在国民生产总值的占比中逐步下降,物流行业 服务质量有所提升。港口物流是特殊形势下综合物流体系。港口之间的竞争由初期的吞吐量、成 本等相关指标逐步转向以服务质量为核心的竞争。客户需求多样化,高效的沟通 需求随之到来。如何满足这种新时代下客户需求,是各大港口企业面临的重要课题。与发达
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