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MMT故事翻译0425Today, even though I was an emotional wreck as we parted ways at the airport terminal, it really touched my heart to see a few other people crying with us as they watched us say goodbye to each other before he left to fight in a war neither of us believe in. MMT今天,在机场登机口我和他分别的时候,我几乎就要暴发了。那些人真的惹火我了,他即将去参加一场我们都无法想象的战争,我们互道再见的时候,那些旁人竟然幸灾乐祸地大叫起来。MMTToday, while I cried, my dad came into my room, sat next to me, put his arm around my back and said, “We may do the wrong things sometimes and cry for the wrong reasons. But these mistakes eventually lead us to the right things.” MMT今天,我大哭的时候,爸爸进到我的房间,坐在我旁边,环抱着我说,“我们有时可能会做错事,为错误的理由哭泣,但正是这些失误,让我们走在正确的道路上。”MMTToday, exactly six months after his death, is the day I have marked on my calendar with a big smiley face that he would be returning home from Afghanistan. MMT今天,我的日历上画着一个笑脸,他本应在今天从阿富汗回家的,但六个月前他却客死在了异乡。MMTToday, I walked in on one of my reconstructive surgery patients looking at pictures of herself on Facebook the way she looked before the accident. MMT今天,我走进我的一位重建手术病人的房间里,她正在看Facebook上自己出车祸前的照片。MMTToday, at the age of 10, my little sister died from a rare form of brain cancer. When she was born, doctors told us that she wouldnt live past her 5th birthday. As she grew older, and became conscious of her condition, she always told us she wanted to live to be 10. She wanted to add a 2nd digit to her age like everyone else. Yesterday was her 10th birthday, and although she was too weak to speak, she smiled all day long in her hospital bed. MMT今天,我十岁的小妹妹死于一种罕见的脑瘤。当她出生的时候,医生说她活不过5岁。当她长大了些,了解到自己的处境之后,她总是说她要活到10岁,希望能与所有人一样,都有两位数的寿命。昨天是她十岁生日,虽然已经虚弱得说不出话了,但她在病床上微笑了一整天。MMTToday, like we do on most Saturday mornings, my son and I went to the local bakery to buy fresh bread and pastries. He usually asks me for one chocolate chip cookie, but today he asked me for two. I didnt think too much of it, so I bought him two. On our way out of the bakery, my son took the second cookie and handed it to a homeless woman who was sitting on the street curb. MMT今天,如果往常的周六上午一样,我与儿子去了本地的面包房买了鲜面包和糕点。他以往都会让我再买一包巧克力味的饼干,但今天他让我买了两包,我没有多想就买了。在我们出了面包房后,儿子跑到坐在路边上的一个流浪女人那儿,把第二包饼干递给了她。MMTToday, fifteen years after he banished me from his life after I told him Im a lesbian, my father is battling cancer. Even though we no longer have a relationship, I still think about him. And I usually check the daily newspaper obituaries just to make sure hes still alive. MMT今天,我父亲得了癌症,而十五年前他就因为我是蕾丝边而把我赶出了家门。虽然我们没有什么联系,但我还是会想起他。我经常查看报纸上的讣告,就为了确认他是不是还活着。MMTToday, I was chatting with the janitor at our office building. He complimented me on my new car and asked me how things were. I thanked him for the compliment and somewhat sarcastically said, “Im working hard so I can afford another new car in a couple years. He smiled. “How about you?” I asked. “Right now Im working hard just to keep warm food on my childrens dinner plates,” he said. MMT今天,我与我办公楼的门卫聊了一会,他称赞了我的新车,并问了我的近况。我感谢了他的称赞,又带着的讽刺的口气说,“我努力工作,因此我可以在几年内再买辆新车。”他笑了笑。我也问了他的近况,他说,“我现在正努力工作,以保证我的孩子吃饱穿温。”MMTToday marks the ten year anniversary of my wifes passing. As she was going through chemotherapy, she stayed home from work and spent most of her days planting a rather substantial flower garden in our backyard. Gardening was her favorite hobby. Ive maintained her garden since she passed. And every spring, like clockwork, the entire garden blooms with hundreds of beautiful flowers. MMT今天,是我妻子去世十年的日子。在她接受化疗的那段时间,她离职呆在家里,每天大部分时间都呆在花园里摆弄相当多的花花草草。园艺是她最喜欢的爱好。我在她离开后继续照料着我们的花园,每当春天到来的时候,整个花园绽放着数百朵漂亮的花儿。MMTToday, my grandmother told me, “As long as you follow your heart and never stop learning, youll turn not older, but newer every day.” MMT今天,我祖母告诉我说,“只要你一直追随着你的心愿,并不停地学习,那你并不会变老,而是每天都脱胎换骨。”MMT
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