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快乐英语第八册Lesson 11教学设计育英小学 傅晓丽教学目标和要求:1.能听、说、读、写单词meet,leave。2.熟练掌握句型“Where are you going to?When are you going to?”及其答句“Im going to。”,并能在具体情境中以口头或书面的形式进行交流。3.能听懂、会读、会说单词及日常交际用语:wonderful!the greatwall,theforbiddencity,the summerplace,以及have a nice trip。4.能朗读表演learn to say的内容教学重难点分析:1. 本课时的教学重点是能熟练掌握句型“be going to”特殊疑问句及其答句“Im going to”2. 本课时的教学难点是要求学生能正确理解Learn to say种的对话内容,能较流利地朗读和表演对话。教学过程:一、1、T: Do you like Harry Potter? Why? You all like him now lets meet him.(出示课件) Lets greet him!(引导学生说出Glad to meet you! Nice to meet you!)2、Do you know meet? Whats meaning?(教学meet).(出示课件)meet. Meet.3、Harry Potter has a plan, Hes going to visit the world. We should say: Have a nice trip. You should say: Have a nice trip!Look!(出示课件) Where is he going to visit? Look carefullyand tell me!4、T:Where is he going to visit? S:.(引出The Great Wall, The Summer Palace, The forbidden City)T: If you have enough money and enough time where are you going to visit?S:Im going to visit?S: Were going to visit?T: Take out a ticket and play a game: ask and answer.5、(出示课件)Where are you going to? Make up some sentences.6、T: Harry Potter is going have a trip. Im going to have a trip too. Look. this is my timetable. Who can ask me :Where am I going to visit ? When am I leaving?(教学单词leave). Who can ask me?S: When am I going to visit?T: .S: When am I leaving?T:.T: Lets go on the game: ask and answer.7、game:魔法水滴三、1、Look, This is Jane. Jane has a plan too.Listen and answer my question:a、Where is Jane going to visit on holiday?b、Where is she going to visit in Beijing?c、When is Jane leaving?2、Listen again, and arrange the following sentences.3、Read the text follow the tape.4、Read the text by thenselves.5、Fill in the blanks.T: Jane is going to visit the Great Wall. The Forbidden City and the Summer Palace in Beijing. There are others beautiful places in the world. Lets look at. Beautiful places! Do you want to have a trip? Have a nice a trip!
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