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九年级英语复习专题练习(书面表达)学校作业多,学生嫌负担重;学校作业少,家长又很担心。参考表格中所提供的信息,用英语写一篇70-90词的短文,谈谈你对这一现象的看法或态度,并明确阐述你的观点。 Many people think the more time is spent, the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole day doing schoolwork except three meals. It is common to see students struggling in a sea of schoolwork both at school and at home. Modern students usually have many interests. They love music and sports. They like reading and watching TV. But they have no time to enjoy themselves. Students are really tired of their weekend homework. Too much homework makes students lose interest in learning. Without enough time to do exercise, its also bad for their health. A horse runs faster after a rest. So please give students less homework and leave them more free time. 假如你叫刘明(Liu Ming),你班进行了“Is daily homework necessary?”的分组讨论,你代表第五小组向全班用英语汇报讨论结果。请你根据提示和要求完成汇报稿。 提示: 要求:1汇报内容需包含以下要点: 自我介绍:姓名、小组; 讨论情况:不同学生有不同的看法; 你自己的看法: 2以第一人称写; 3. 100词左右(已给出部分不计入总词数)。 注意:文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。Dear Class,It is our turn to report._Thats all Thanks.Dear Class, It is our turn to report. Im Liu Ming. Im in Team Five. Ill give a report about different ideas on daily homework. Two thirds of the students think homework is necessary. They say practice makes perfect. While one third of the students disagree. They think homework took them too much time. They have little time for their hobbies. They often feel tired and less interested in study. In my opinion, daily homework is necessary for students. But they shouldnt be too much. They can improve our skills. It might be some extensive reading, a paper or even just a game. It should leave enough freedom to us so we could do things we really like to do. Thats all. Thanks. 假设学校戏剧俱乐部正在举办“奥斯卡影片欣赏月”活动,上周播放的影片是少年派的奇幻漂流。请据此写一篇90词左右的英文观后感。内容提示如下: 1影片由李安(Ang Lee)执导,他因此片获最佳导演奖。 2影片讲述了一个名叫派(Pi)的年轻人的故事,他独自乘小船出行。 3他要应付恶劣的天气,还要找到足够的食物,最终安全返回。 4你的感想。 注意: 1观后感须包括所给的内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2第4要点的内容须用2-3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥。_ Our school Drama Club is holding a film activity. We saw Life of Pi last week. It is directed by Ang Lee. And he gets the Best Director Award for it. The film is about the story of a young man called Pi. He takes a boat trip alone. He not only has to deal with difficult weather conditions but also needs to find enough food for himself. And at last he comes back home safely. Many people think Life of Pi is one of the years best films. It tells us we should be brave enough to face any problem and find ways to solve them. We are heroes of ourselves.你班为了配合创建“宜居城市”,最近以“Life in the future:for better or worse?”为题进行了一次讨论。许多同学对未来表示乐观,但也有一些同学对未来有些担心。请你根据下面表格中的内容要点提示,用英语写一篇短文。21*cnjy*com 注意: 1词数90左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2短文须包括所有要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺; 3短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 参考词汇:standard水平,标准;opinion观点,看法Life in the future for better or worse? Many students are optimistic(乐观的)about the next fifty years._Life in the future : for better or worse? Many students are optimistic (乐观的) about the next fifty years. In fact, they think that the world will be a better place than it is now and our lives will be greatly improved. As a result, people will have a higher standard of living and live longer.【版权所有:21教育】 However, other students are worried about the future. They say the world will become more crowded. Therefore, we will have even more environmental problems living in a world with less energy available.21教育名师原创作品 But in my opinion, we will find ways to solve our problems and everyone will live more happily. 假设你是来自雅安的中学生李红,今年14岁,暑假你将参加学校组织的赴北京的夏令营活动。请你用英语写一篇在开营仪式上的自我介绍的发言稿。词数:60-90。发言稿还要包括以下要点:21cnjycom 1你爱好画画; 2课余时间你喜欢野营,喜欢在大自然中画植物,聆听鸟儿的歌唱; 3你最喜欢的科目是科学,希望长大以后成为一名科学家;4你很高兴参加夏令营,希望你们能成为好朋友。_Dear friends. Im very glad to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Hong. Im 14 years old. I live in Yaan. Im interested in drawing
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