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毕业论文开题报告 宁波科技学院孙剑出品供广大学子参考论文题目The way how Noah please GOD学生姓名孙剑学 号104175413专 业英语班 级10商务英语3班Firstly, the purpose of the topic Noahs ark is one of the storys that derived from the old testament . The content of the story is about that Adam and Eve steal the forbidden fruit to eat, and against the will of god, was eventually driven from the garden of Eden. Subsequently, they breed, gave birth to Cain and Abel. Out of jealousy, Cain killed Abel, became the first case of murder in the world. Later, we continually be thrive. And evil is become more and more , human unveiled the prelude to kill each other. And after seeing that god became very anger, regretted it that made the decision of letting people exist. Finally he decided to send a flood to the world to take away the human from the earth. But he saw that Noah was a loyal man who was very religiously to follow himself. So he commanded him to build an ark to free all living creatures. The specific manufacturing process of the ark was told Noah carefully. Under the condition of the independent and helpless, Noah spent 120 years to finish the ark and conformed to the ark of the gods instructions. When the flood came, Noahs family survived. After the waters receded 49 days later, Noahs family started their new life. Here I was thinking about a couple of questions: why did god choose Noah? If god hated human, why did not remove all of them together? what actually happened to Noahs personal charm that get the favour from god?Secondly, the meaning of the topicThe bible have talked about something in the bible :It is always need to know what can make god happy . (Eph 5:10) The only way is do beg god joy that god will be happy because of you and do you a favor for you. In the era of Noahs, the whole world is full of villains, the moral is degradation, human was addicted to a life of pleasure, violated the original intention of god that made man. God hate men so much that he began to consider to put human driven. But only one person that god is full of joy, that person is Noah. Only Noah can found grace in the eyes of the Lord. (Gen 6:8) So god decided to use his family to make a new kind of human. Because god is satisfied with the people of Noah, so we exist today.Firstly,the basic contents of the study 1. To find out what gay Noah is.2. To find out things that all Noah did3. According to God, to find which way did he like Noah Secondly,the difficulties that need to be solved 1. Analyze Noahs personalities 2. Analyze Noahs emotional inner life The way of studying 1、Analyzing the corpora that using quantitative analysis of the corpus , comparative study method, searching, sorting, statistics and analysis of corpora data of research.2、The technical route of the study:(1)Searching information,To find information, clear up literature, determine the topic(2)Conducting research, finding corpus, statistical data, combining with related theory to analyze the corpus data(3)Summing up the results and conclusionsStudy of the overall arrangement and schedule:1:(2013.9.17-2013.10.15):reading、searching the materials,determining the way and the topic of the study2:(2013.10.15-2013.11.12):reading some relative books,finishing the literature review3:(2013.11.12-2013.12.15):Finishing the paper , opening report and the paper outline:4:(2013.12.15-2014.1.15):deeply study,writing the first draft5:(2014.1.15 -2014.3.28):recomposing the paper again and again, handing the revised draft6:(2014.3.28 -2014. 4.1):Finishing the paper7:(2014.4.1-2014.5.14):Preparing to thesis defense五、主要参考资料Blackburn,Simon.BeingGood:AShortIntroductiontoEthics.Oxford:OxfordUniversityPress,2001.DiRado,A.TrekkingThroughCollege:Classes:ExploreModernSocietyUsingtheWorldofStarTrek.LosAngelesTimes,(15July1982),201-223.Hermans,T.CrossculturalTransgressions:ResearchModelsinTranslationStudiesII.London:HistoricalandIdeologicalIssues,1991.Nida,EugeneA.Language,Culture,andTranslating.Shanghai:ShanghaiForeignLanguageEducationPress,1993.Singer,Peter.Hegel:AVeryShortIntroduction.Oxford:OxfordUniversityPress,1983.Stack,George.SartresPhilosophyofSocialExistence.St.Louis,Missouri:WarrenH.Green,Inc.,1977.Williams,Howard.KantsPoliticalPhilosophy.NewYork:St.MartinsPress,1983.刘时工爱与正义,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004。雷立柏著、卓新平主编圣经的语言和思想,北京:宗教文化出版社,2000。卓新平、许志伟基督宗教研究,北京:宗教文化出版社,2002。六、指导教师意见签名: 年 月 日
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