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初一英语下册第七单元说课稿 Hello,ladies and gentlemen.Im very honored to be here to present my teaching ideas.Im going to talk about section b of unit7“.Good, ladies and gentlemen. Im very honored to be here to present my teaching ideas. Im going to talk about section B of Unit7 “What dose he look like?” for grade 7 in junior middle school. I am going to illustrate my plan from the following 6 aspects.Teaching materials, Teaching methods, Learning strategies, Teaching procedures, Blackboard design and Teaching evaluation.1. First, Ill give a brief analysis of the teaching materials. The teaching materials include 3 parts: the status and functions, teaching aims, the key points and the difficulties. For the status and functions, this textbook “Go for it” is designed to cultivate Ss overall abilities including linguistic, culture and social ones. And it is also designed with the aim of making Ss use English to exchange ideas, fulfill certain tasks and solve practical problems. According to the new national curriculum, teaching aims are composed of three aspects, such as knowledge aims, ability aims and affection aims.Knowledge aims: Ill enable Ss to have a good command of the new words and target sentences. And then get Ss to talk about peoples appearances freely in real situation with the sentence patterns.Ability aims: Ill cultivate Ss ability of communication, cooperation and exploration to enable them to express their opinions by using the target sentences.As for the affection aim. By describing peoples appearances, express their views or preferences. Ss would know what the true beauty is and understand the inner beauty is more important than the appearance.key points and difficulties. The key points of this section are to develop Ss linguistic competence As for the difficulties are to develop Ss reading proficiency. 2. Lets come to the 2nd part, teaching methods. The new national curriculum advocates that language is for communication, English teaching should lay special emphasis on development of Ss. For this purpose, Ill mainly adopt 2 teaching methods. They are task-based language teaching and communicative language teaching. (换页) Here Ill mainly talk about Task-based language teaching, that is to say, in my class Ill design different activities and get Ss to fulfill the tasks. In that way, Ss will learn to experience and explore to improve their overall abilities. Ill design such a situation in class. Ill say like this, boys and girls, all eyes on me. I will tell you a story listening carefully: one day, Jim and his mother went to the park, minutes later, Jims mother couldnt find Jim and she was very nervous. She said: Jim where are you? Jim where are you? Thats all my story. we want to help Jims mother, so she gave us a picture of her son. Now, your task is to describe Jim and tries to find him.3. ok, lets turn to the 3rd part, learning strategies. Ss in grade 7 have mastered a certain basic knowledge of English, and they still keep their curiosity on something new. According to this situation, in this unit I will design some activities to help Ss to develop their learning strategies. For reading strategies such as Predicting, Making reference, Summarizing, Cooperating, Skimming and Scanning as well. 4. Now Ill deal with the most important part-Teaching procedure. In this part Ill arrange 7 steps: warm-up, lead in, pre-task, task-cycle, post-task, conclusion and homework. First, a warm-up activity. Ill get Ss to watch a video. Before their watching, Ill ask the Ss to try to count the people. Then, Ill let them describe one of the pictures.(看视频并且画画) After watching the video Ill get get Ss to think about their father and mother, ask them a Q to move on to step 2 lead-in. Q “What does your father and mother look like?” Ok, look at the picture on the blackboard, they look happy. The boy has short hair and the girl has the long hair, maybe they are skimming. After that, Ill help Ss know how to describe a person by demonstrating a short play like this: Liu Xing, why not go back home earlier? Oh, mum I practice my oral English here. What did you practice? I practice how to describe a person. Whom did you describe? I describe you mum. How? I said I have a beautiful mum. She has black, short and straight hair. She has big mouth, small eyes and small nose. But I love my mum very much. Oh, my good son, lets go home. Bye! By watching this play, the Ss not only would be highly motivated, but also they could have some impression on how to describe a person. Then we go to the step3 pre-task. Ill get the Ss to do a “guessing game”. Ill describe a famous person in sentences then let them guess whos him. The sentences will like theseAfter this Ill show them the picture of the person. Yes, he is Yao Ming. In this activity, students will practice their listening skills and get to know some adjectives to describe people and students will be very exited and very
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