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9AUnit3期中复习基础过关练习一、 词汇1. 打扰2. 疯的3. 交流4. 选择n5. 完成v6. 拒绝7. 接受8. 几乎不9. 空闲的10. 乒乓球11. 怀疑12. 是否13. 值得14. 提供15. 建议16. 价值17. 大量的18. 允许19. 严格的20. 获得21. 任务22. 也23. 勇气24. 真相25. 留出26. 注意27. 进步28. 青少年工作者29. 有价值的30. 回复31. 荣幸32. 拼写33. 受苦34. 虽然35. 原因二、 词组1. 发胖2. 试试多些锻炼3. 感到疲劳4. 把我逼疯5. 感到孤独6. 处理7. 熬夜到很晚8. 上交9. 按时10. 很有价值11. 收到信12. 大量的13. 对疯狂14. 在外面待着很晚15. 允许做16. 不时的17. 获得平衡18. 乘车19. 生气20. 得高分21. 有很多作业22. 到家很晚23. 收到一封信24. 很多车辆25. 让我大笑26. 告诉你实话吧27. 留些时间给我28. 关心29. 优秀生30. 嘲笑31. 和她分享你的问题32. 没注意到33. 以自豪34. 回复35. 遭受压力之苦36. 列张清单37. 冲喊叫38. 保持安静39. 对感到难受40. 把你的烦恼放在心里三、 句型1. 你吃那么多是不健康的。2. 我别无选择只能去做。3. 我几乎没有任何空闲时间留给我的爱好,例如打排球和乒乓球。4. 我经常怀疑是否值得学得这么辛苦。5. 你能给我提些建议么?6. 我的梦想就是做一个优秀的足球运动员。7. 我相信对我们来说花些时间在爱好上很重要。8. 你能建议我如何在学业和爱好之间取得么?9. 计算出你需要多少时间完成作业可以给你一个你有多少空余时间的概念。10. 我希望你认为我的建议是值得采纳的。11. 我同意你父母的观点那就是你早点回家会更好点。12. 我的父母只关心考试后的分数,他们似乎没有注意我已经尽力了。13. 告诉你实话,我希望我的父母每天可以腾出点时间给我。14. 你能告诉我当我们有问题的时候向谁说、从哪里获得帮助?15. Linda回家发现她的房子着火了。16. Sandy就是忘记了什么时候跟朋友碰面。17. Millie不知道如何解决她的问题。18. 我害怕她不会再给我写信了。19. 你为什么不给她发一张电子卡片,让她知道你很想她呢?21. 尽力把忧伤留给自己只会使它们更糟。四、词汇专项训练1. Would you please not _ (打扰) me when I study ?2. He showed great _ (勇气) when he faced the danger.3. My teacher told me I had made a right _.(决定)4. Singing is one of my favorite _ (爱好). 5. If you want to join us, you must get your _ (父母亲) support.6.Sometimes he doesnt know when to _ (回信) to his mother because he is too busy. 7. She is always _ (自豪)of her schoolwork.8. The TV next door is too n_, would you please ask them to turn it down?9. Its difficult for the husband to achieve a _ (平衡) between work and family.10. Our teachers are very s_ with us and they are good ones.11. To tell you the t_ ,Sometimes I fail in the exams.12. Dont quarrel any more about this problem. Lets have a _(讨论).13. Last night I stayed up until 12 oclock, so now Im very _. (困乏)14. You should wear white if you are feeling _(感到压力的).15. As an e_(有经验的) teacher, he always has ways to make his class lively.16. My home is much _ (far) from the station than yours.17. I dont think these books are _ (suit) for children.18. Daniel is very confident and he is never afraid of _ (make) a speech in assembly.19. The naughty boy kept making faces and his friends were made _ (laugh) all the time.20. Bill Gates is one of the _(success) businessmen in the world.21. Dont make so much _(noisy). Your mother is asleep. 22. Our English teacher uses different activities to keep us _ (interest).23. Our teacher is helpful enough to offer us lots of useful _ (suggest).24. _ (plan) ahead can help you make work easier. 25The advice you gave me some days ago is really _(value) to me.26. Sue is weak in sports. Among all the sports, she hates _ (run) of all .27. James and Rose watched the football match last night, they found the match _(excite).28. I have spent much time _(复习) my lessons for exams.29.Yesterday he was_(责备) because he failed in his exam again.30. Some parents dont know the main _ (原因)of their childrens stress .31. His grandfather got cancer three years ago , now he is still _ (受苦) from it .32. EBuy, Amazon and Taobao are popular _ (网站) where people can sell goods to each other.33. When I go out for a walk after supper, my little dog always _ (跟随) me.34. She needs enough _(能量) for playing volleyball every afternoon.35. Ten days later, at the age of 63, Audrey passed away, _ (安宁地), in her sleep.36. Listen! The children are playing _ (吵闹地) upstairs.
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