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小学五年级英语试题 一、按要求写单词。(8分) one 序数词 ( ) 3rd基数词 ( ) two序数词 ( ) are 过去式 ( ) go 过去式 ( ) do 过去式 ( ) off 反义词 ( ) saw 现在式( ) 二、 英汉互译(10分) 1. have a party _ 2. kick a goal _ 3. go out to play _ 4. a football club _5. 一个生日蛋糕_ 6. 四月二日_7. 快跑 _ 8. save a shot _9. 打开电视_ 10. 扔雪球_三、单项选择。(12分) ( )1.Its my _ birthday. A. grandma B. grandmas C. grandmas( ) 2. Whats the date _ ? A. today B. tomorrow C. yesterday( ) 3. The baby _ born in June . A. is B. are C. was( ) 4. _ begins in February. A. Spring B. Autumn C. Winter( ) 5. - Can you play the piano? - _.A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I is.( ) 6. - Shall we play _? - Good idea. A . football B. a football C. the football( ) 7. Which season do you like _? A. good B. very C. best( ) 8. I was born _ November 10th. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 9. _ books do you have? I have 6.A.Where B.How many C.What( ) 10.He _ big eyes and a small nose.A.has B.have C.is11. _ is the first day of a week in America.A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday12. My birthday is _ 13th of August.A. in B. on C. at四、 单词。15分 A. 请用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子.1. There are three _ (tomato) on the plate.2. She can _ (drive) a car.3. Please _ (not open) the door. 4. There _ (be) some milk in the glass.5. He is _ (dance) now.B. 根据首字母写单词。1. Look, its r_ , youd better put on your raincoat.2. How m_ is the book? 20yuan.3. I am a Chinese boy. I come from C_.4. There are t_ months in a year.5. Today is my mothers birthday. I want to send her a p_.五、 连词成句。(10分)1. Id , TV, the, like, play, to ( .)_ 2. date , the, today, whats (?) _ 3. want, football, join, I, to, the, club ( .) _ 4. often, go climbing, we, a, once, year ( .) _ 5. is, what , number , your, telephone (?)_ 六、 根据实际情况回答。(10分) 1. When were you born? 2. What can you do? _ 3. Do you like music? _ 4. Can you play the violin? _ 5. Where do you live? _七 阅读理解10分A:Lets go to Nancys birthday(生日) party,Mike .B:OK,Ben,Whos the boy with big ears?A:Hes my brother, David.B:Oh,look at the girl in the white skirt.Is she Su Yang?A:Yes,she is. .And the short boy is Wang Bing.He is twelve.B:Oh,I see.A:Now its six oclock.Lets go.B:OK,lets.根据短文内容,判断正()误()。( )1.David is the boy with big ears.( )2 Su Yang is in the white sweater.( )3.Wang Bing is short.( )4.Mike is twelve.( )5. Its seven oclock.V. 智力测试(Intelligence test) (共5分)按要求完成下列各题.(答案写或涂在答题纸上)41. What does “SARS” stand for(代表) in Chinese?42. Lily is Mr. Blacks girl Friday. She gives him a lot of help. Whats the meaning of “girl Friday”?A.女仆人 B.得力的女助手 C.女儿 D.女上司43. He is a headmaster in our school. He is VIP. Whats the meaning of “VIP”?A.老师 B.校长 C.领导D.非常重要的人VI. 小作文(Composition) (计10分)以“My favourite season”为题,写一篇短文.要求:1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范; 2. 不得少于60个单词; 3. 将作文写在答题纸_、
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