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白雪公主台词 【歌曲名称】 1. lazy marry 2. one song 3.bingo 4.早上的 5. the more we together 6. one song twinkle little star 8. yankee doodle 9.if youre happy snow white contents sw-白雪公主 q-皇后 m-魔镜 h-猎人 p-白马王子 d-小矮人 a-小动物 起(lazy mary),旁白 a long time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was snow white, she was a beautiful princess. year passed, the king got married again, the people didnt love the new queen, because she was cruel. one day, in the kings palace: -白雪出场 s.w: my name is s. w , i am a beautiful princess ,nice to meet you. look ! there are some flowers. 起,皇后、魔镜出场(旁白:this is the new queen, she is beautiful, but she is very bad.) q: i am a queen, im very beautiful,where is mirror? mirror, mirror , whos the most beautiful? m: not you s.w! q:snowwhite? hunter, go to kill s.w. h: snowwhite? but q: no, kill her. 猎人出场 h: yes, my queen 起,公主惊慌出逃 s.w: help me ,help me, please, please h: ai! a poor girl, you go. s.w: thank you! thank you! 白雪公主边说边跑下场,猎人从另一边下场 旁白: s.w goes to a wooden house. s.w: may i come in ? nobody in here. one two three oh seven bottles. i am hungry, (拿起一碗吃) oh, im tired . i want to sleep. 起,7个小矮人出场, d: 1/look, who ate my food- 2/who drank my water- 3/who is sleeping now- 4/what a beautiful girl!- d:齐说:嘘小矮人睡觉-起早上的公主先醒了-小矮人醒了-对话 (齐说)good morning! s.w: who are you ? 5. were short man. why are you in here? my name is s.w .my mother is dead. the queen want to kill me. 6. dont cry ,snow white. we will help you. (齐说):me too. (响起,围着s 唱歌) 皇后、魔镜出场 q: mirror, mirror whos the most beautiful? m: not you! snowwhite q: what? s.w is not dead? hahaha, i got a good idea! 起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话 q: apple ,apple, beautiful apple, s.w: hello, good morning grandma! q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite? s.w: oh, yes ,thank you grandma! 白雪公主咬一口后倒地 q: the girl is dead! hahaha mirror, mirror. who is the most beautiful. m: you , you. q: hahaha.(笑着下场) (起(tinkle tinkle little star ) 小矮人出场、围着公主哭: 7:whatt the matter. s.w. oh ! she is dead. (齐哭)s.w wake up, wake up 起,王子拿着花出场 p: a beautiful girl! she shall be my queen! 王子摇摇公主,公主醒了 s.w: thank you for your help! p: youre welcome 起,小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞 (if youre happy ) 白雪公主的故事 皇后对魔镜说魔镜,魔镜,这个世界上,谁最美丽?魔镜说白雪公主,最美丽。说完后,皇后特别生气。最后,她决定自己亲自去杀了白雪公主。皇. 白雪公主配音的台词 巫婆 哼哼哼,只有你一个人在家? 白雪公主 啊,是啊,不过 巫婆 那几个小矮人都不在? 白雪公主 不,不在 巫婆 闻闻闻 做饭啊 白雪公主.
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