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译林版小学英语4上期中综合练习班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(10分)( )1.A. basketball B. football C. table tennis D. jump( )2.A. can B.cant C. play D.swim( )3.A. well B. good C. sad D. fly( )4.A. many B. any C. little D. have( )5.A. family B. father C.football D. funny( )6.A. elephants B. horses C. dogs D.monkeys( )7.A. sixteen B. eleven C. nineteen D. fifteen( )8.A. pineapples B. grapes C. mangoes D. bananas( )9.A. run B. swim C.jump D. skate( )10.A. make a fruit salad. B. our fruit salad C. make a cake D.a hot cake二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分)( )1. A. Do you have any bananas? B. Do you like bananas? C. I like bananas.( )2. A. How many toy cars do you have? B. Do you have any toy cars? C. What do you have?( )3. A. They are very beautiful. B. Its very nice. C. He can play basketball very well.( )4. A. Look at that lion. B. Look at those lions. C. Look at these lions.( )5.A. Can you swim very well B. I cant swim very well. C. He can swim very well.三、听录音,根据所听到的问句,选择正确的答句。(5分)( )1. A. Im eleven. B. eleven. C. No, I dont.( )2. A. Yes, I am. B. No, It isnt. C. Yes, I do.( )3. A. Thanks B. All right. C. Good.( )4. A. I like cakes B. Id like a cake. C. I have a cake.( )5.A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can C. Yes,I do.四、 听录音,完成下列对话。(10) Hello! My _ is Tom, Im _ _ old. I can play _, I cant play _.This is Lucy, Shes my sister. Shes nine. She can play _ _. She cant _. Thats my brother, peter. Hes four. He cant play football. He can _ and _.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译。(20分)1. 玩具动物们_ _ 2. 喜欢熊猫_ _3. 有一个菠萝_ _ _ 4. 看一看_ _ _5. 打篮球_ _ 6. 多少_ _7. boys and girls _ 8. Here you are. _9. some stickers_ 10. thirteen cars _11. I cant fly either._ 12. Dont be sad._二、找出单词中读音不同的一项,把序号填到题前括号内。(5分)( )1.A. bike B. nice C. big ( )2.A. play B.many C. any ( )3.A. all B. eleven C. look ( )4.A. orange B. mango C. doll ( )5.A. family B. father C.car 三、根据情境,选择合适的句子。(5分)( )1. 当你想问他会不会游泳时,你可以说:A. Can you swim? B. Can you skate?( )2. 当你想知道那些是不是鸭子,你可以说:A. Are these ducks? B. Are those ducks?( )3. 当你看到麦克打篮球非常好,你可以说:A. Nice! B. Have a try.( )4. Bobby不会飞,你想安慰他,你可以说:A. Great! B. Dont be sad.( )5. 当你想知道别人会做什么,你可以说:A. What can you do? B. Can you skate?四、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里(10分)( )1. _ these toy animals. A. see B. Look at C. Look( )2. Do you have_ grapes? A. some B. a C. any( )3. Here you are. _ A. Thank you B. Ok C. All right( )4._ footballs do you have?Thirteen. A. How nice B. many C. How many( )5. Can you _? A. swim. B. swims. C. swimming( )6.Can Mike play table tennis? Yes, _. A. I can B. he cant C. he can( )7. Do you like _? A. a egg B. an egg C. eggs( )8. _ you like a pie?Yes,please. A.Do B. Would C. Can( )9. Let _ make a fruit salad A. is B.us C. are( )10.Can you play _? A. a football . B .basketball . C. the table tennis五、从栏中找出栏相应的答句,写在题前括号内。(5分) ( )1. What do you have? A. Sure.( )2.How man toy elephants can you see? B. Yes,I can.( )3.Do you like cars? C. I have a toy car.( )4.Can you run and swim?. D. No, I dont( )5.Can I have a look? E. fourteen.六、看图完成对话。(5分)1. -Can you _ ?- No, I _ .- _ a try.-OK.2. -Do you have any _? -No, I dont. I have _ _. -Would you like them? -No, thanks.七、翻译下列句子。(10分)1. 它们非常漂亮。They _ very _。2. 我能看一下吗?_ I _ _ _?3. 看这些玩具动物,孩子们。Look _ _ _ _ ,boys and girls.4. 你有多少个芒果?
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