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【英语】完形填空 阅读理解专题复习一、完形填空1根据句短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案。 Once a man and his wife worked for an old man. There was a big box in the mans living room. The old man pointed to the box and said, Theres only one thing you 1 do. Dont open the box. 2 saying this, he left his home. The woman said to her husband, There must be 3 expensive in the box. Lets open it, shall we? Her husband said 4 to her, but the woman didnt give 5 her idea. One day, she decided to find out 6 was in it. Her husband didnt stop her. She opened the box and looked inside. 7 her surprise, she found nothing in the box. She tried hard to close it, but she 8 . That evening the old man came home and found the box was 9 . He was very angry and asked them to leave his home. But there was nothing in the box. the woman said. “We havent taken anything at all. The old man 10 them, “The box is not important, but I cannot believe you. Thats important! 1. A. dare notB. needntC. mustntD. may not2. A. AfterB. BeforeC. FromD. By3. A. nothingB. somethingC. anythingD. everything4. A. yesB. goodbyeC. hurry upD. no5. A. awayB. upC. toD. back6. A. howB. whatC. whichD. that7. A. AtB. InC. OnD. To8. A. failedB. didC. refusedD. succeeded9. A. brokenB. emptyC. openD. lost10. A. turned toB. listened toC. shouted atD. smiled at【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)B;(4)D;(5)B;(6)B;(7)D;(8)A;(9)C;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】这篇短文主要讲述了一个男人和他的妻子为一位老人工作。老人告诉他们那个盒子不能打开。可是,他的妻子不听老人的建议,私自打开了盒子。老人把他们解雇了。句意:有一件事你一定不能做。mustnt do表示一定不能做某事根据句意选C。句意:说完以后,他离开他的房间。结合上下文这里要说“在说完这句话之后”因此选A。句意:盒子里一定有贵重的东西。nothing 没有东西;everything 每一件东西;something 表示不确定的某物,用于肯定句;anything某物,用于疑问句和否定句。故选B。句意:她的丈夫对她说不行。say yes to sb.:同意某人;say no to sb.:不同意某人。结合上下文,他的丈夫不同意她打开(下文有个“But”)故选D。句意:但是她不放弃她的主意。A. work工作;B. box 盒子;C. way方法;D. idea 表示想法、主意。根据句意选B。句意:一天,他决定弄明白里面有什么。what 引导的宾语从句,表示盒子里的东西。故选B。句意:使她吃惊的是,盒子里什么也没有。to ones surprise使某人吃惊的是。故选D。句意:她努力合上它,但是她失败了。failed失败; did做; refuse拒绝; succeed成功。根据句意选A。句意:那天晚上老人回来了,发现盒子开了。broken破的;empty空的; open 开着的;lost丢失的;D. broke折断,毁坏;上文中那个女人已经把盒子打开了,所以他发现那个盒子是开着的。因此,选C.open。 句意:老人对他们喊道:“盒子不重要,但是我不能相信你们了,那才是重要的。turned to转向;listened to听;shouted at 对大声叫喊;smiled at对微笑。根据语境可知选C。【点评】考查对篇章的理解。在理解文章内容的基础上根据语境对单词的正确使用,先通读,理解大意后再答题。2阅读下面短文,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 In the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. People moved from the countryside to the cities because there was 1 work for them to do in the cities. On Sundays and during holidays, they liked to 2 the cities and have a good time in the countryside, but not every 3 had a horse. People needed another kind of transportation. Inventors in many countries tried 4 this problem. The first documented bicycle was invented by a German, Baron Von Drais, in the 1810s. It was a walking machine made 5 wood. People pushed their 6 against the ground to move forward. It 7 people to get around parks and gardens. In 1865, pedals(踏板) were added to the front wheel. But when people 8 it on stones, they shook a lot. In 1870, the first all-metal bicycle 9 rubber tyres(橡胶轮胎) was invented. But the two wheels were not the same 10 . The front wheel was much larger than the back one. This machine was the first to 11 bicycle. However, it was hard to ride and it was very 12 . In the 1890s, chain drive, the pneumatic(充气的) tyre and same-sized wheels made the ride 13 and more comfortable. People loved it 14 it helped them enjoy more free time. Bicycling became 15 , not just with men but also with women. 1. A. heavierB. moreC. harderD. busier2. A. reachB. buildC. leaveD. visit3. A. cityB. townC. countryD. family4. A. solveB. to solveC. solvedD. to solving5. A. ofB. fromC. inD. by6. A. handsB. armsC. feetD. legs7. A. causedB. helpedC. stoppedD. ordered8. A. gotB. boughtC. threwD. rode9. A. withB. forC. withoutD. against10. A. colorB. shapeC. sizeD. style11. A. callB. callsC. calledD. be called12. A. expensiveB. necessaryC. relaxingD. interesting13. A. worseB. saferC. slowerD. longer14. A. whenB. untilC. becauseD. though15. A. dangerousB. pleasantC. difficultD. popular【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)D;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)D;(9)A;(10)C;(11)D;(12)A;(13)B;(14)C;(15)D; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍自行车的发明和发展的历史。(1)句意:人们从农村搬到城市,因为在城里有更多的工作让他们做。A、heavier更重的;B、more更多的;C、harder更难的;D、busier更忙的。根据句意,故答案为B。(2)句意:在星期天和假期,他们喜欢离开城市去乡村玩耍。A、reach到达;B、build建;C、le
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