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Introduction to Operations ManagementCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTChapter Overview本章概述This chapter introduces and defines operations management. Specifically, customers are demanding more today than they have in the past due to globalization of the worlds economy, and the growth of e-commerce. Consequently, operations managers are faced with providing continually higher quality products with shorter delivery times and better customer service, yet reducing labor and material cost, and increasing the utilization of facilities. The chapter begins by defining operations management. It then discusses operations managements contribution to society, which includes a higher standard of living, better quality goods and services, concern for the environment, and improved working conditions. Next, this chapter discusses the emergence of operations management, including service operations, expanded definition of quality, and application of OM concepts in other functional areas. Finally, it ends with an overview of its historical development.本章介绍了运营管理的基本概念。伴随着世界经济一体化及电子商务的发展,现今顾客的需求要比过去增加许多。因此,运营管理者面临着要在更短的交货时间内提供更高质量的产品和服务,并要减少劳动力和原材料的消耗,提高设备的利用率。本章首先对运营管理进行了定义,并论述了运营管理对社会发展的贡献,这其中包括提高人民生活水平,提供高质量的产品和服务,对环境的关注,改善工作条件。其次又探讨了运营管理出现的新特征,包括服务运营,扩展了质量的定义,以及运营管理理念在其他职能领域的应用。最后本章介绍了运营管理的发展历史。Major Points of Chapter本章要点1. Because of the todays highly competitive business environment, operations management must provide continuously higher quality products with shorter delivery times and better customer service, while reducing labor and material costs, and increasing utilization of facilities. 在当今激烈的商业竞争环境里,运营管理必须在更短的交货时间里提供更高质量的产品和优质的服务,并要减少劳动力和原材料的消耗,提高设备使用率。2. Operations management is the management of the conversion process that transforms inputs into outputs in the form of finished goods and services.运营管理是将输入转化成输出的过程,这种输出以完成品和服务为形式。3. A higher standard of living, better quality goods and services, concern for the environment, and improved working conditions can be traced to improved operations management.改善运营管理可以得到更高标准的生活水平,更高质量的产品和服务,以及对环境的关注和改善工作条件。4. An overview of the historical development of operations management helps to explain various influences on OM thought today.对运营管理发展历史的概述可以帮助我们更好的理解运营管理对当今的各种影响。Review and Discussion Questions1. What is operations management and how is it different from operations research?Operations Management (OM) is a synthesis of concepts and techniques that relate directly to production systems and enhance their management. Operations Management has a distinct management role that differentiates it from OR and IE. Operations Managers use the tools of OR in decision making and are concerned with many of the same issues as Industrial Engineers. Operations Research/Management Science (OR/MS) is a branch of applied mathematics, while Industrial Engineering (IE) is an engineering discipline.复习与思考题:1 什么是运营管理(OM)?运营管理(OM)和运筹学(OR)的区别是什么?运营管理关注的是生产系统,是要提高对生产系统的管理,是概念和技术的综合。运营管理有自己特定的管理角色,它与运筹学和工业工程不同。运营经理应用运筹学的知识来进行决策,他与工业工程师有很多共同关注的问题。运筹学(管理科学)是应用数学的一个分支。工业工程(IE)是一种工程学科。What were the underlying reasons for the lack of emphasis on operations management in the post-World War II years?After WWII, the U.S. emerged as the major military, political and economic power in the world. In addition, the U.S., through the Marshall Plan was responsible for reestablishing the German and Japanese economies that were destroyed. As a result, there was a world economy, in which little competition existed, and demand exceeded supply because of the unfilled demand from rationing during the war. Therefore, the American companies had little reason to improve quality or radically improve in any OM related facet of business.2 在二战后的几年,运营管理被冷落的根本原因是什么? 二站后,美国拥有世界上最强大的军事,政治和经济实力。此外,美国还通过实施马歇尔计划对遭受重大损失的德国和日本进行重建。由于战时实施的配给制不能满足人民的需求,所以战后的需求远大于供给,此时世界经济存在很微弱的竞争。因此,美国公司没有理由去提高产品的质量或者根本没有想要去改善企业活动中的运营管理2. What are the advantages of bringing customers into the transformation process or technical core?By bringing customers into the technical core, the lag time for needed customer feedback is reduced. System and product design is enhanced by proactively considering customer needs, and customer loyalty increases.3 将客户带进生产流程和服务流程或技术中心的好处有哪些?通过使客户进入技术核心,降低了需要用户反馈的延迟时间。通过提高生产系统和产品的设计来满足顾客的需求,增加了顾客的忠实度。4 Take a look at the want ads in The Wall Street Journal and evaluate the opportunities for an OM major with several years of experience.4、看国华尔街日报的招聘广告后,评价一下对一个有几年经验的运营管理专业人员来将,他的事业发展机会在哪里?The following are some examples of jobs available in OM from the Wall Street Journal from December 18, 2001:以下是从2001年12月18日华尔街日报摘取的几个招聘运营管理专业人员的广告。加入我们的团队 生产运营经理美国糖业公司制糖生产流程部门现招聘生产运营经理。要求具备机械工程或相关专业学士学位,具有10年以上的从事生产糖原料和炼糖的经验。要求具有自动化生产和计算机自动化系统的知识。具有环境协会工作的背景优先考虑。能在规定的期限内独立完成工作,具有钻研精神。我们将为其提供满意的薪资和优惠的待遇,如果你满足上述条件,请写信或传真或发电子邮件联系我们。公司地址是美国纽约市 传真:(863)9022889。电子油箱:mmaturanaussugar.com.Some additional advertisements from January 8, 200
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