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I. Fill in the blanks. 15%1. Shakespeares complete works include 37 plays, two narrative poems and 154 sonnets.2. In Elizabethan Period, Francis Bacon wrote many excellent essays, such as Of Studies.3. Byron is chiefly known for his two long poems, one is Childe Harolds Pilgrimage, and the other is Don Juan.4. The publication of Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge marked the beginning of the Romantic Age in English literature. 5. John Keats wrote a number of well-known odes. In one of his famous odes he declares his idea of beauty. He claims that beauty is truth and truth is beauty. The title of this famous ode is Ode to Grecian Urn.6. Mr. Peggotty and Steerforth are two characters in Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield.7. William Makepeace Thackerays first literature success came with a series of satirical sketches entitled Vanity Fair, published in 1846-1847.8. Oscar Wilde is the representative among the writers of aestheticism and decadence. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a typical decadent novel written by him.9. The Title of James Joyces fiction Ulysses shows that the author intends to model his fiction on the Homeric story of Odyssey.10. Author: D. H. Lawrence Title: The Rocking Horse Winner Uncle Oscar took both Basset and Paul into Richmond Park for an afternoon, and there they talked.11. W. B. Yeats can be regarded as an Irish national poet. All his life is engaged in the rejuvenation of the Irish culture. He organized the Rhymers club and launched the Abbey Theater.12. Author: William Golding; Title: Lord of the FliesAnd in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.13. Author: E. M. Forster: Title: The Road from ColonusFor no very intelligible reason, Mr. Lucas had hurried ahead of his party. He was perhaps reaching the age at which independence becomes valuable, because it is so soon to be lost.14. Thomas Hardy is an outstanding realist in English literature. He himself classified his novels into three groups: Romances and Fantasies, Novels of Ingenuity, and Novels of Character and Environment.15. Gullivers Travels is Jonathan Swifts greatest satirical works of world literature. It consists of four voyages, respectively to Liliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa and Houyhnhnms.16. William Blake is a precursor of Romanticism in English poetry. His most famous works are Songs of Innocence (1789) and Songs of Experience (1794). These two volumes reflect two widely different views of the human soul.17. D. H. Lawrence is one of the great English novelists of the twentieth century. He wrote chiefly about the relationship between parents and children, the passion between men and women, the ugliness mammonism, and sham morality of modern industrialized society. Among his best novels are Sons and Lovers (1913) and Lady Chatterleys Lover (1928).18. Author: Virginia Woolf; Title: The Duchess and the Jeweler Olive Bacon lived at the top of a house overlooking the Green Park. He had a flat; chairs jutted out at the right angleschairs covered in hide.19Author: William Butler Yeats Title: The Lake Isle of InnisfreeI will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:II. Explain the following terms. 20% 10考5 1. Epic: It is, originally, an oral narrative poem, majestic both in theme and style. Epics deal with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance, involving actions of broad sweep and grandeur. Most epics deal with the exploits of a single individual, thereby giving unity to the composition. Great epics include The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer. 2. Renaissance literature: Renaissance literature refers to a new tradition running from Petrarch and Boccaccio in Italy to Jonson and Milton in England, embracing the work of Spencer and Shakespeare, marked by a new self-confidence in vernacular literatures, a flourishing of lyric poetry, and a revival of such classical forms as epic and pastoral literature.3. Tragedy: A tragedy us a story that presents courageous individuals who confront powerful forces within or outside themselves with a dignity that reveals the breadth and depth of the human spirit in the face of culture, defeat and even death. Tragedies recount an individuals downfall; they usually begin high and end low. Shakespeare is known for his tragedies, including Macbeth, King Lear, Othello and Hamlet.4. Sonnet: Sonnet is a lyric poem of a single stanza of fourteen iambic pentameter lines linked by an intricate rhyme scheme. There are two major patterns of rhyme in sonnets written in the English language: 1) The Italian or Petrachan sonnet falls into two main parts: an octave rhyming abbaabba usually followed by sestet rhyming cdecde. 2) Shakespearean sonnet falls into three qua
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