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下原创精品,上学科网精品站:http:/jp.zxxk.com。8A Unit 5课题8A Unit 5 Birdwatchers Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 学习目标知识目标了解几种鸟类的英文名称和基本特点。能力目标能用所学的知识谈论鸟类的外形特征及性格特征。情感目标对野生鸟类产生兴趣。学习重点了解几种鸟类的英文名称和基本特点。学习难点能用所学的相关鸟类的知识进行对话。课前自学一、通过学习课本和用你手中的工具书,翻译下列词组并熟读这些词组。1.去观鸟 2.在市场上 3.鼓励某人做某事 4.参加观鸟俱乐部 5.飞往北方的国家 6.在夏天 7.彩色的尾巴 二、熟读本课中的新学词汇。尤其下列几种鸟你会拼读吗?麻雀 鹤_ 海鸥_燕子 天鹅_ 金雕 三、 请同学们阅读漫画部分,回答下列问题。(要求注意语音语调)1.)What is Eddie going to do? 2.)Does he really love birds? 3.)What kind of birds does he like best? 四、 Talk about some birds you know (收集鸟类图片或画一些你知道的鸟。个人或小组都可以。)谈论你们组内收集的鸟类图片。A : What bird is this ?B : A : What do we call it in Chinese ?B : A : Whats this? (指鸟的各个部位进行描述。) B : Its a beak .(neck, wing , tail , leg , foot )A : Is it long ?B : 五、根据图片,个人描述图片中的鸟。以下几个问题可以帮助你描述(由总体感觉到细节描述。)以麻雀为例。What does a sparrow look like? Is it big or small? Does it have beautiful feathers? What colour are the feathers?What about the beak? Is it short or long?A sparrow is small, it doesnt have colourful feathers, A crane is a tall bird. A seagull A swallow A swan A golden eagle (有用的词组black feathers ,fly to northern countries ,long thin neck broad wings,long beak , long-winged , web-footed , long-pointed ,forked tail Brownish feathers , hooked beak , colourful feathers )注:有能力的同学可以直接口头表述。六、Now you know some birds very well, please talk about your favourite birds.Work in pairs.A : Which bird do you like best/least ?B : I like the best /least.A : Why ?B : 课堂交流展示1. 请各组长课前检查课前学习的前三项作业。组内互相听读新学词汇的发音。2. PresentWarm- activities up Play a piece of music called the seaside voice(There is sound by birds), then get the students to talk about it. e.g. Is it nice? (Yes) Where is the man playing the piano? (Near the sea) Whats near the sea? (Birds) Would you like to go and watch the birds near the sea? (Yes) Lets go birdwatching. Lets be birdwatchers. ( Teach go birdwatching / birdwatcher) Ask the students to say the English names of some birds.3. Talking about birds(请多组同学展示其学习成果)Show the pictures of different kinds of birds and talk about them focusing on whats special about the birds.4. Do Part A on Page755. Practice (1)Show the pictures together and then get the students to give their names. Make sure all the students can read the names correctly.(2) Play a game : reading and guessing (guess what bird it is.) E.g. I live in wetland. I am very tall. I have long beak, long neck and long legs. I have black and white feathers. Who am I? (a crane)(3)请各小组选一名代表在全班前表述一种鸟。(即展示学案的第5项)(4)Ask the students Which is your favorite bird? Why? Practice Part B on Page75 in pairs6. Production(展示学案的第七项) Make up new conversations using Part B as a model and act them out.7. Presentation 1.Say: We love birds. Eddie loves birds, too. Listen to the tape and find then answers to the following questions.(见学案第三项)(1)What is Eddie going to do? (2)Does he really love birds? (3)What kind of birds does he like best? 2.Practice reading in pairs and try to act it out课堂达标检测一、请写出下列鸟类的英文名称。 1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5._ 6._二、Complete the conversation Hobo: What are you going to _ tomorrow? Eddie: I am _ _ at the _ .Hobo: At the _ ?Eddie: I like the _ at the market. Beijing _ and roast _. Yummy.Hobo: But I think birds are our friends, so we should _ them.Eddie: Maybe you are right.三、根据句意或首字母提示完成单词。1. Lets go to the m_. I want to buy some food.2. Tom is going b_ tomorrow. The birds are
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