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Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? 第一课时一、教学目标:1能听、说、读、写单词或短语library, post office, hospital, cinema, bookstore;能够听说、认读短语science museum和句型Where is the library? Its near the post office. 2能运用学过的词汇进行pairwork巩固练习。 3能在具体的语境中运用句型Where is the ? Its .二、教学内容:1四会单词library, post office, hospital, cinema, bookstore,三会词组science museum。 2句型:Where is the ? Its . 三、教学重难点:1重点:听、说、读、写Lets learn 部分的四会单词和短语。2难点:重点句型Where is ?的正确应答。四、教学准备:教师准备PPT。五、教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动应用资源建议与说明Warm-up/ Review1Greeting with the Ss.1Greeting with the T.将学生的视线转移到英语课堂上来,也为学生创造了一个英语听说的环境。2播放歌曲They Are in the Zoo。(三年级下册第六单元歌曲。)2跟录音唱歌曲。音频:They Are in the Zoo 活跃课堂气氛,复习主要句型Where is the ? 3出示卧室图片,说句型:This is my bedroom. 提问: Where is the desk?Where is the picture?Where is the chair?Where is the cat?3看图回答问题。Its near the bed.Its on the wall.Its in front of the desk.Its behind the curtain.复习已学方位介词,为接下去的教学做好铺垫。Presentation/Practise 1教学新单词。library T: Where is Mickey, now? Hes at the school. Please guess.Where is he? What place is it? Where is the library?先呈现已经学过的让学生猜。cinema T: Mickey wants to see a film Kungfu Panda. Where can he go? 呈现cinema。Where is the cinema?post office The film is very interesting; Mickey wants to post a letter to Donald. He is going to tell Donald something about the film. So he goes to the post office. 呈现post office。Where is the post office?hospital T: The post office is in the middle. The zoo is behind the post office. The cinema is on the left. Whats on the right?呈现hospital,板书。Where is the hospital in our town? Is it far?How can I go to the hospital?bookstore Whats in front of the cinema? I can buy some books there.呈现bookstore,板书。What can you buy in a bookstore?跟读library,拼读。 Its near the school.跟读cinema,拼读。 Its in front of the zoo. 跟读post office,拼读。 The post office is near the / in front of the . 跟读hospital,拼读。 学生根据实际情况,回答医院大致方位及去医院的方式。朗读bookstore,拼读。 I can buy a story book / in the bookstore. 用Mickey行走的过程及发生的事情,逐步呈现新学的单词。 2看图,描述方位:There is in the middle, the is on the right. The is on the left. The is near the . The is in front of the . 2学生在教师的指引下,描述方位。图片:地图通过描述图片,出现in the middle, on the right, on the left等介词短语,为之后的Lets start做好语言铺垫。 3重新出示一幅地图,要求学生看句子猜地点。We can see a doctor there. We can see a film there. We can buy books there. We can post a letter there. There are many books in it. We can read books there.We can see an insects show there. 由第六个句子引出museum。带读museum,注意发音。3选择图片,读句子,猜地点。Hospital. Cinema. Bookstore.Post office.Library. 朗读museum。 通过阅读句子来猜测地点,增加阅读量。这样的快速阅读能提高学生阅读的速度。并通过这样的形式来引出本课时中的一个难点词语museum。 4Game: 出示各种图片。说明要求,提示museum的准确发音。4看图片,判断是否是博物馆,如果是,就大声朗读museum,不是,就说uh-uh。 图片:西湖雷峰塔大英博物馆兵马俑故宫博物馆丝绸博物馆通过观察图片,判断是否是museum,并通过大声朗读的形式,来巩固难点。5播放ALets learn视频,朗读单词和句子 。5跟读单词和句子。视频:A Lets learn 6Lets start. Read the sentences and match.6读句子,连线。 通过语篇阅读,巩固新学单词,训练语感。7Pair work. Listen, choose and write. 听教师朗读单词。核对单词顺序。 师生示范pair work,出示一个学生的书本。 T: Where is the museum?S1: Its in front of the library.7Pair work. 听教师朗读单词,选择听到的单词,填在任意一个方框中。并在单词上根据听到的顺序标号。在Pair work之前,听选填单词,既巩固了单词的听和认读,又进行了书写的练习。之后的Pair work,对说进行了训练。 Consolidation/Extension1Asking the way.师生示范宣布规则,根据手持的card A教师问,学生根据card B回答,同时教师在card A上作好记录,之后互换,由学生提问,教师回答,学生记录。 最后教师与学生一起核对答案。 1学生进行相应的活动。同桌相互问路进行活动。通过交际活动,听说读写都得到了不同程度的锻炼。2教师指导学生完成“学习评价”里的练习。反馈练习的答案,并进行分析。 2学生完成配套的练习,并及时订正错的题目。六、板书设计: Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? Lesson 1 Where is the science museum .? Its . library cinema post office hospital bookstore 七、Homework:1抄写单词、短语及句型各3遍。 2把卡片上的短语变成句子。E.g. The hospital is in the middle.
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