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课题:unit 5 (period 3)教学目标知识技能Must, might, could and cant for making inferencesTo learn must, might, could and cant for making inferencesTo listen and speak making inferences Whose volleyball is this?It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.It could be Teds.教学思考A new using of modal verbs解决问题How to using modal verbs to make inferences.情感态度Dont let yesterday use up too much of today.重点Unhappy extremely interview noise wind neighbor footstep garbage mystery director monkey escape 难点There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.教具准备 A recorder教师活动设计学生活动 设计Step 1 Review 一、用must , cant , might , could , can 填空。1. The text book _ be his. His name is on it .2. He is only four, but he _ read.3. I would help you if I _.4. Gina _ come to the party tonight, but Im not sure.5. The toy _ be Bobs . He is the only little kid.6. The telephone is ringing, but nobody answers it. He _ be at home.二、用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空。make up because of belong to much too go to the concert 1. I didnt go to the park _ the rain last weekend.2. Everyone knows that Taiwan _ China .3. The computer is _ expensive. I cant afford it .4. We are _ this evening.5. Six women and nineteen men _ the committee.(委员会)Step 2 Can you guess what it is?It could be two facesIt also might be a white vaseStep 3 Reading Read the newspaper article and underline what people think could be causing the strange things that happening in Bell Tower.chase 追逐;追赶sky 天;天空creature 生物;动物catch 捕获;赶上(车船等)unhappy 不快乐的;不愉快的extremely 极其;非常interview 访问;会见;接见noise 噪音;喧闹声wind 风neighbor 邻居;邻人footstep 足迹;脚步声garbage 垃圾;废料mystery 神秘的事物;迷director 主管;主任monkey 猴子escape 逃走;逃跑happen 发生anything strange 奇怪的东西There be sb. doing sth. 有人在做某事Go through the article and answer the questions.1. What can you see in the picture? There is a _woman_ looking outside of the window.2. What can we know about the woman? The woman is a little frightened.3. Where is the article from? A. novel B. newspaper C. comic4. What is the passage about?The passage is about strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood. Read the passage(段落) again, and complete the following chart.Listen to the recorder and Fill in the blanks with your books closed.Step 4 Write another paragraph about Bell Tower using these notes.Chu family late night ,footsteps in the hallway might be the NeighborsLao Zheng someone trying to get in the window might be the windXiao Ning finds garbage in front of her house might be catsLate that night, the Chu family found some strange footsteps in the hallway, they thought they might their neighbors. Lao Zheng, one of the Chus friends thought it might be someone trying to get in the window. Then one morning, Xiao Ning, a student who lives next door, found some garbage in front of her house, she thought it must be of some wild cats. There must be some animals visiting the hallway. But what could it be?Step 5 Look at this headline and finish the article about the strange events in Bell TowerWe now know what was happening in Bell Tower neighborhood. The director of the local zoo says that there monkeys escaped from. the zoo. The three monkeys came to Bell Tower by accident.Maybe they feel excited being free and thats why they make so much noise.But I cant understand why they come out at night. They might be found by others.按要求完成句子。1. The dictionary might be Li Leis .(改成同意句)The dictionary might _ _ Li Lei.2. It must be Marys. (改为否定句)It _ _ Marys.3. He must be very busy today, _?A. mustnt he B. cant he C. isnt he 4. Dont eat _(太多)meat. If you do , youll get _(太)fat.5. Why not _(听)music ? It can make you _(轻松).6. She learned to play _ piano all by herself. A. a B. an C. the D. / 7. He _ read newspapers after dinner in the past. A. is used to B. used to C. is used for 8. Geoge _ carefully but _ nothing. A. listened, listened to B. listened, heard C. heard , listened to 9. Hurry up , or we cant c_ the bus.10. The monkey e_ from the zoo and got into the house .家庭作业:Finish the article about the strange events in Bell Tower.课后反思:
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