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五年级英语期中试题选择与图片内容相符的单词或短语:(只填序号) (10分)1 . 2. 3. 4. 5.星期六( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. . 7. 8. 9. 10.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. active B. cabbage C. tofu D. potato E. quiet F. SaturdayG. do homework H. tomato I. mutton J. read books 二、选出划线部分发音与众不同的一项:(10分) ( ) 1. A. pB. t C. mD. br( ) 2. A. ue B. ( ) 3. A. hB. m( ) 4. A. cB. yell ( ) 5. A. B. 三、选出每组中不同类的一项:(10分( ) 1. A. cabbage B. pork ( ) 2. A. student B. funny ( ) 3. A. art B. tofu ( ) 4. A. apple B. peach ( ) 5. A. Friday B. fish 四、选择填空:(10分)( ) 1. - _ your art teacher ? - Mr Smith. A. Whose B. Whos C. Whats ( ) 2. I dont like grapes. They are _. A. sweet B. tasty C. sour ( ) 3. The tofu is too _. I dont like it. A. fresh B. healthy C. salty ( ) 4. - Whats your favourite fruit ? - I like _.A. bananas B. mutton C. young ( ) 5. Is your principal old ? - No, hes _. A. strict B. kind C. young ( ) 6. What _ is it today ? A. day B. today C. fruit ( ) 7. What _ you _ on Saturdays ? A. do; do B. do; did C. does; do ( ) 8. I A. Its B. Theyre C. Its ( A. to B. for C. on ( B. do C. would you (10分)_ on Saturdays.s your math teacher like ? - Hes _ and _. 4. What would you like for lunch ?- Id like rice, _ and _.5. _ are my favourite _. 六、问句答语匹配:(10分)( ) 1. Whats your sister like ?A. I have beef and noodles. ( ) 2. Whats your favourite lunch ? B. We have English and P.E. ( ) 3. What do you have for dinner ? C. Shes young and pretty. ( ) 4. Do you do homework at night ? D. It is Monday. ( ) 5. Is Mr Zhao active ?E. Mr Li.( ) 6. What do you have on Thursdays ? F. I often play ping-pong. ( ) 7. Whos your math teacher ? G. No, thanks.( ) 8. What day is it today ?H. I like mutton and rice. ( ) 9. Would you like some fish ?I. Yes, I do. ( ) 10. What do you do on Sundays ?J. Yes, he is.七、图文匹配:(为图片选择正确的句子) (只填序号) (10分)1.Jack has carrots, cucumbers, chicken and grapes for lunch. 2.Its my favourite day. We have P.E and art today. 3.Mr Hu is our new art teacher. He is very funny. 4.I have cabbage, mutton and carrots. Theyre tasty. 5.Id like green beans and fish. Theyre healthy. 6.Eggplant is tasty. Its my favourite.7.Can I have some eggplant and tofu, please? 8.I often read books and watch TV on Saturday. 9.I often play football on Sunday.10.Its Thursday. We have Chinese and English. 八、选择所给的句子,补全对话:(只填序号Mike: Mike: ?Sarah: Mike: ?Sarah: My music teacher is Miss Lin Mike: Sarah: We have pork and green beans for dinner on Thursdays ._ ?Mike: We have beef and tofu . They are tasty .九、连词成句:(10分)( . )( ? )( . ) ( ? )( . )十、阅读短文,判断句子正( T )误 ( F ) (10分)Im a happy girl. My name is Liu Ying. I study in Willow School. I have many friends in my school. Chen Juan is my best (最好的) friend. She is short and thin. But she is very smart. Her favourite food is green beans. Her favourite fruit are grapes.Tuesday is my favourite day. I have music and computer. I have beef and potatoes for lunch on Tuesdays. And beef is my favourite food. Its tasty and healthy.I often do my homework on Saturdays. On Sundays, I usually watch TV. I like weekends.( ) 1. Liu Ying is a student in Willow School. ( ) 2. Chen Juan is tall and smart.( ) 3. Beef is Liu Yings favourite food.( ) 4. Liu Ying has art and computer on Tuesday. ( ) 5. Liu Ying does her homework on Sundays
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