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2013年人教版小学英语六年级下期末综合训练试卷及答案(2)天门市 2013 年春天学期小学英语六年级综合训练(二)Listening Part 听力部分(共四大题,计40 分)一、听录音,给以下图片排序。每题读两遍。(共 5 小题,计10 分)()A.()B.()C.()D.()E.二、听录音,选出正确的图片,每题读两遍。(共 5 小题,计10 分)() 1、A.B.C.() 2、A.B.C.() 3、A.B.C.() 4、A.B.C.() 5、A.B.C.三、听录音,选择你所听到的答语,每题读两遍。(共 5 小题,计10 分)() 1、 A 、 You can go there by subway.B、 You can go there by the No.5 bus.() 2、 A 、 I m going to the shoe store next week.B、 I m going to the shoe store tomorrow.() 3、 A 、 She is a cleaner. She works in a factory.B、 She is an accountant. She works in a bank.() 4、 A 、 It comes from the rain.B、 It comes from the vapour.() 5、 A 、 Water it and wait for it to grow.B、 Water it and put it in the sun.四、听录音,判断以下句子正(T)误( F)。每题读两遍。 (共 5 小题,计10 分)() 1、 Li Wei is going to see a film with his father.() 2、 Fang Lin is going to visit her grandpa.() 3、 Fang Lin s father is an accountant.() 4、 Fang Lin s father works in a factory.() 5、 Fang Lin and her father are going to the movie theatre by bike.Writing Part(共八大题,计60 分)五、读单词,选出每组单词中不一样类的一项。(共 5 小题,计5 分)() 1、 A 、 rainB 、seeC、 cloudD 、 vapour() 2、 A 、 soilB 、seedC、 sproutD 、 plant() 3、 A 、 morningB 、divingC、 makingD 、 running() 4、 A 、 tonightB 、tomorrowC、 todayD 、 traffic() 5、 A 、 policemanB 、teachC、 accountant D 、 singer六、看图,将句子增补完好。(共 10 小题,计10 分)1、 The zoo is east of the.2、 The rain comes from the.3、 I like.4、 I go to Beijing by.5、 Themakes our city clean.6、 I an going to buy a.7、 He is a.8、 Where is the science, please? It s next to the bookstore.9、 My uncle is a.10、 I go to school by.七、选择填空。 (共 10 小题,计 10 分)() 1、 The traffic light is yellow. We must.A 、 waitB 、stopC、 go() 2、 It s Friday today.is Saturday. Im going to skate.A 、 TomorrowB、 TonightC、Next week() 3、 Amy is going toa magazine.A 、 lookB 、seeC、 read() 4、do you go to the USA? By plane.A 、 WhatB 、WhereC、 How() 5、 My home is farthe cinema.A 、 toB 、fromC、 at() 6、 The clouds comethe vapour.A 、 atB 、inC、 from() 7、 Getat the post office, and you can see the museum.A 、 onB 、offC、 of() 8、 Marya snowman next week.A 、 makesB 、is going to makeC、 is making() 9、? Im going to buy some booksA 、 When are you going ?B 、 What are you going to buy ?C、 Where are you going ?() 10、 My grandpa is going to the supermarketthis morning.A 、 inB 、onC、 /八、读一读,选择正确的答语。(共8 小题,计8 分)() 1、 Where does the vapour come from?() 2、 What s your hobby?() 3、 What are you going to do tomorrow?() 4、 How can I get to the pet shop?() 5、 Where is the bank?() 6、 How do you go to school?A 、 I go to school on foot.B、 No, she doesn tC、 I like diving.D、 It comes from the water.E、 I mgoing to visit my uncle.F、 It s behind the bus stop.() 7、 Where does your sister work?G、 she works in a company.() 8、 Does your mother teach you English?H、 You can take the No.5 bus.九、排序,将下边句子构成一段通畅的对话。(共 7句,计 7分)() Youre welcome.() Then, walk south for three minutes.() First, take the No.8 bus.() How can I get to the science museum?() Finally you can see the Shengli Primary school. The science museum is in frontof the school.() Second, get off at the library.() Thank you.十、选择正确的疑问词,并填空。 (共 5 小题,计5 分)WhereWhatWhenHow1、 A:does the rain come from?B: It comes from the clouds.2、 A:do you go to the supermarket?B: At 3 o clock.3、 A:does your father work?B: He works in a car company.4、 A:does your mother go to work?B: She goes to work by subway.5、 A:are you going to do this afternoon?B: Im going to visit my grandparents.十一、阅读短文,判断下边句子正(T )误( F)。(共 5 小题,计5 分)Jane is my classmate .She is ten years old .She is from Australia. She lives in Sydney. Shelikes music very much. She is good at ( 善长 ) English and computer. She is smart. Her hobby iscooking. Her favorite food is dumplings. She is going to Mount Tai(泰山 ) with her parents thissummer vacation( 暑期 ). They want to see the sunrise(看日出 ) and take pictures there. Theywill enjoy themselves( 玩得快乐 )。() 1、 Jane is 12 years old.
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