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九年级学科新课程有效教学导学案授课年级九年级学科英语主题Lesson23: Push That Product课型问题解决课主备教师张向红备课日期2011.9.7课时1课时复备教师上课时间教学目标知识与技能:1.New words and phrases:Push-pin;bulletin;board;rent;magazine;lady;journal;madam;own;employee;pushinto;holdup;payfor;thousands of;whats the price of?2.Pattern Sentences:Whats the price of a push-pin?There is a push-pinholding up this piece of paper.He made his first push-pins by himself.Whats a good way to push a product.I help he had some helpFor a little money ,he bought some supplies and rented a room3.Teaching aims:1).Master the new words and phrases:2).Understand how Edwin Moore sell his push-pins3).Talk about your experiences about pushing a product.过程与方法:1.Lead in and check the previewing list.2.Read the text aloud,and know how Edwin Moore sell his push-pins.3.Present problems and discuss to solve them.4.Sum up.情感态度价值观:1.Encourage Ss to communicate with western friends in English.2.Raise the Ss interests of learning English.3.Call on the Ss to focus on selling product.重点难点Teaching important points:New words and phrases:. Pattern SentencesTeaching difficult points:The usage of the Adverbial Clauses (I)关键问题1.Identify:“own”和“have”2.summarize the usage of “push”教学方法1.Voluntary cooperation. 2.Practice reading ability. 3.Share their ideas4.Pratice oral English5.Sum up and discuss教学准备教师准备:Recorder;tape;maps;Preivewing lists: training lists学生准备:pictures ,cards. Note-books. Lists教 学 过 程 设 计教学环节时间教学内容教师行为期望的学生行为step 1 :lead in5Free talk about push a productAsk the Ss the questions :“Have you ever push a product?”Can describe a experience about how to sell a product in English ,then write them down.Step 2: Listen to the tape and answer questions5The textHelp students to find answers in the text,Get the answers from listening, read and understand the main ideas about the text.Step3:Check the preview-ing lists5The previewing listsCheck the Ssanswers of the previewing lists.Understand the main language points about the dialogueStep 4 Read the dialogue in roles anddiscuss in groups10Practice reading andDiscussingHelp the students understand the text and solve any prolemsRead and have a further discussion in groups of six.Make the students master and use the language points freelyStep 5 Finish the training lists 10The training lists Help the student to use the knowledge pointsEncourage the Ss to summarize the language pointsUse the language points correctlyStep6.Come to “Lets Do It”5Lets Do ItAsk the Ss to talk about how Mr. Moore push a product.Can summarize some good ways to push a productStep7 Sum up this lesson and end it4Focus on teaching aims and evaluate the groupsPerformanCeEncourage the Ss to summarize they have learned in this lesson and present,Can sum up they have learned in this lesson Step8.HomeWork1Finish off the exercises in A.B. Ask the Ss to finish all the exercises,discuss in groups if necessaryCan finish the work individually and coreectly板书设计Lesson23: Push That ProductPush-pin pushintobulletin hold up board; payforRent thousands ofMagazine push ones wayLady push downJournal push awayMadam rent fromOwn bulletin boardsEmployee whats the price of?教学反思
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