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Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Period 1 (section A 1a-2c)教学设计 设计者:潘霞 课题Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Period 1 (section A 1a-2c)教材分析作为中学生,我们应该如何正确看待家规、校规等规章制度呢?本单元通过谈论人们认为中学生可以做或不可以做的事情,让学生学会表达对有关规定的态度和看法。能运用已掌握的语言知识简单的阐明理由,学会被动语态的基本用法should+be +动词的过去分词,巩固句型I agreeI disagree,即表示同意或不同意的方式。学生分析本班学生已掌握了一些相关的英语知识农村学生基础较差,思维不是很灵活,缺乏兴趣教学目标语言目标1、掌握语言结构should(not) be allowed to do2、学会表达agree和disagree能力目标1、学会谈论允许和不允许做的事情,并发表自己的观点、见解2、培养听说读写能力情感目标1、学会谈论自己应该被允许做的事情和不应该被允许做的事情。学生勇于发表自己的观点和意见,表达同意和不同意。2、德育教育:了解和反思自己的日常行为是否符合中学生日常行为规范教学重点知识重点1.should(not) be allowed to do2.instead of +doing(名词、代词)3.get the ears pierced能力重点听、说教法任务型教学法,反馈教学为辅教具多媒体学法自主探究,合作交流教 学 过 程复习1.some words 2.used to but now设计意图创引设入情新境课T: What can you do after school? Can you go out with friends at night? Can you have part-time jobs? Can you get the ears pierced ?.创设情境,通过学生感兴趣的内容,引入新知自主学习合作探究1a: 1.Introduce the new structure:should be allowed to should not be allowed to Teenagers should be allowed to choose own clothes. Teenagers should not be allowed to drive. I agree.I disagree.I dont agree. 2.Pairwork: Practise conversation in pairs1c 2c 1.presentation: I think I dont think teenagers should be allowed to . I agree. I disagree.I dont agree. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to. Why? 2.pairwork:Make conversation ,using 1c and 2c2a 2b 1.Let the students read the sentences in 2a 2.Listen and check what Kathy thinks. And cirle. 3.Let the students read 2b 4.Listen again and number reasons in the correct order. 呈现任务,让学生在任务的驱动下,学习语言知识和技能训练,培养自主学习习惯,加强合作意识。在两人讨论应该被允许和不被允许做的事情的同时,表达同意和不同意,并发表自己的见解,培养合作交流意识,达到了对本课语言目标的学习,突出了语言的交际性 听力训练,把听的任务与说读结合起来,培养学生综合运用语言的能力,提高听的技能总提结高深升化华Should be allowed toShould not be allowed to 。 。Make a list of things Middle school students should and should not be allowed to do通过任务的完成,在巩固本节课所学的同时,进一步升华、深化。四人结组训练,做到知识的延伸拓展,突出语言的交际运用功能,规范中学生日常行为自我检测1.Teenagers should not be allowed to get the ears A.pierce B.to pierce C.pierced2.They talk instead of homework. A.do B.doing C.does3.Middle school students should not drive.A.be allowed to B.be allow to C.allowed to4.He should stop wearing that (愚蠢的)earing.5.Can I see your (执照)?6.Teenagers arent .A.enough serious B.serious enough7.I ate bread (代替)cakes.及时巩固所学,让学生体会成功的喜悦,反馈所学效果,检验本节掌握情况板书设计Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesTeenagers should (not) be allowed to go out with friends. drive. get their ears pierced. choose their own clothes.I agree.Idisagree.I dont agree.Do you think teenagers should be allowed to .?Why?They talk instead of doing homework.作业1.复习Grammars Fcous2将表格写成若干句子,使用.shouls (not)be allowed to结构,谈论中学生日常行为规范。培养写作,锻炼书写教学后记1、引导学生自主探究,合作交流,充分发挥学生的主体地位,更多的学生都可以参与到课堂活动中来。2、解决问题时应鼓励学生采用多种方法,发散学生思维3、本节课,与学生生活联系密切,积极性高,因此,激发学生兴趣是提高课堂效率的重要因素。
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