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企业法人营业执照翻译模板2011-04-06 09:02企业法人善峻照 BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSONLEGAL PERSON莎 知I人*女IUR昱豪上広人恋“介出烘仿便2BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE企业法人营业址照名称住所法定代表人姓名 注册资本 实收资本 公司类型 经营范围TitleDomicileLegal representativeRegistered粛託柱施._ www. 1 egal t ranz. conn -Paid-in Captial* Itranslation sump帥脸劈情况(副本)Uujl icate/Copy 注卞万 Registration No.:Type of EnterpriseBusiness Scope2止4卜丰WMF!养M檸* 巾. (JbiM人It土黑整4 (tiA人册出O或fl. M&t.e2ii&人*直嵐胃人*玄优濟毛先成痛曹耶力,H上MWIJTM*成立日期DateofEst ablishmen t营业期限自TermofOperation请于毎年3月1BJE6月30日登记机关申报年检Please apply to the curopany registration authori ty for annual cxiinination jn every year frem March I through June 30须知Notice1. 企业法人营业执照是企业法人资格和合法经营的凭证。1. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations.2. 企业法人营业执照分为正本和副本,正本和副本具有同等法律效力。2. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect.3. 企业法人营业执照正本应当至于住所的醒目位置。3. The orig inal of Busin ess Lice nse of En terprise Legal Pers on shall be laid up in an eye-catch ing place of the domicile.4. 企业法人营业执照不得伪造,涂改,出租,出借,转让。4. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned.5. 登记事项发生变化,应当向公司登记机关变更登记,换领企业法人营业执照。5. Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON.6. 每年三月一日至六月三十日,应当参加年度检验。6. Annual exam in ati on shall be con ducted in every year from March 1 through June 30.7. 企业法人营业执照被吊销后,不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。7. No busi ness activity relati ng to the liquidati on may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be con ducted .8. 办理注销登记,应当交回企业法人营业执照正本和副本。8. To can cel its registratio n, the compa ny shall have the origi nal copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. translation by legaltranz.com9. 企业法人营业执照遗失或者毁坏的,应当在公司登记机关指定报刊上声明作废,申请补领9. Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the compa ny shall ann ou nce it in valid in the newspaper a nd periodical desig nated by the compa ny registrati on authority, and shall apply for an reassura nce.
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