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Module 7 AustraliaUnit1 Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia.【教学目标】1. 理解有关澳大利亚的对话;2. 谈论澳大利亚的著名建筑及景点3. 掌握重点单词、短语及句型【重难点】that 引导的定语从句【教学过程】:【课前延伸】1预习词汇:.布置学生预习词汇,能够根据音标读出并了解汉语意思即可。 布置学生每人准备一张照片2.课前朗读:朗读本课的新单词、短语3 每日播报,让值日学生上台做每日播报。(有关你最喜欢的城市)对每日播报的内容提出问题:What kind of city does he/she like?然后帮学生用定语从句的形式回答。【课内探究】(一)新课导入1、 检查词汇预习1) 读给同桌听,相互矫正发音,。2) 读给小组同学听,组长负责矫正发音。3)读给全班同学听,教师矫正发音。2导入新课。用自己的照片导入新课:This is the photo that my family took in Qingdao.然后问: Have you ever been there? Do you like this city? 帮助学生用定语从句回答:I like cities that have beautiful beaches.3:专项练习:让学生用定语从句讨论他们准备的相片。For example: This is a photo of a giraffe that I saw in the zoo. This girl that stands on the Great Wall is my sister. This is a photo that my friend sent me last year.(二)听力训练告诉学生一起做一个猜谜语的游戏:Its a country. Its the largest English-speaking country in the southern part of the world. You can see many famous things there, especially a kind of animal that has a pocket to hold her baby. Do you know which country it is? 以此引起学生的兴趣。1)多层听a.听录音(听一遍),判断正误。Tony has ever been to Australia. ( )Uluru is a big city in Australia. ( )Tonys father saw some kangaroos and crocodiles. ( )b.听录音(听两遍),完成含有定语从句的句子。Im looking for the photos _.Were doing a project about countries _.And this one is a photo of a shark _ on the Great Barrier Reef.There were kangaroos _ on our way back from Uluru.c听录音,(听一遍), 核实自己的答案。2).听后读1)学生大声朗读对话后回答问题:Why does Tony want his dads photos of Australia? Does he know where to find them? What does Tony want to borrow the camera? Why does Tony want to borrow the camera? Is Tonys dad surprised that Tony wants to win the photo competition? Does Tonys dad lend him the camera at once?3)读后学1)观察含有定语从句的句子,并讨论总结that 引导的定语从句的用法。2语言知识归纳:1)Would you like a hand to?意为“你想要我帮你吗?”,其后接动词原形。例如“Would you like a hand to do the project?2)I bet you do!意为“我肯定你能行!”。I bet“我打赌”,相当于I believe(我相信),Im sure(我肯定),后接从句。例如:I bet he cant won the game.我敢打赌他赢不了这场比赛。4)学后读(朗读)听录音,跟读。5)读后说谈论托尼的父亲在澳大利亚照的三张照片(三).学以致用Think of somewhere you have visited and which you liked. Make notes about the best things you saw there. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the place you have chosen.(四)当堂检测一根据句意和词首字母写单词1. I b you can win it. Try you best!2. In Australia, there are animals like kangaroos and c .3. Just i that youre walking in the desert, what do you need the most?4. Wow! The undersea world is a !5. Would you like a h to find your key?二英汉短语互译1. in the southern part of the world 2. have a good look at 3. do a project about 4. alongside the car 5. win the photo competition 6. 在北京市中心7. 三面环水的建筑 8. 最大的英语语言国家9. 在下班回家的路上10. 照相三. 单项填空1. I am looking for the photos that my father in Shanghai. A. takes B. will take C. took D. to take2. Would you like me your pictures? A. to hand B. a hand C. hand D. a hand to 3. I found them carrying the boxes from the factory on home. A. my way to B. my way back C. the way to D. the way to 4. Tom want to at our school dance tomorrow. A. take much photo B. take many photos C. make many photos D. make much photo5. Jerry felt at the view. A. amazing; amazing B. amazed; amazedC. amazing; amazed D. amazed; amazing 【课后提升】(一)复习巩固复习当天所学内容,朗读并记住含有定语从句的句子。整理课堂笔记,掌握新词汇、语法。(二)分层作业能够用that 引导的定语从句谈论自己的喜好。(三)预习任务预习第二单元的词汇,并查阅有关澳大利亚人文地理方面的知识。.Read and fill in the blanks:Tony was _ _ the photos that his father _ in Australia. He was going to _ about this country. His father helped him find three pictures. One was a huge rock _t was called Uluru _ _ _ _ Australia. One was the Sydney Opera House. The last one was a photo of a Shark _ Tonys dad saw on the Great Barrier Reef. Tonys dad also saw some kangaroos_ were jumping alongside the car _ _ _ _ from Uluru. At last Tony borrowed dads _ because he would take part in a _ _ that he wanted to winUnit 2The camel that I rode had a bad temper.Step 1Revision1) Ask some students to act the dialogue2) Put the sentences into Chinese.Step 21) New words2) Look at the photos and describe them. Use some of the words in the boxStep 3Reading1. Fast reading: Listen to the tape and read silently
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