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主备人: 石鑫 李翠珍 审核人: 刘扬扬 裴红玲 负责人签字:李翠珍Unit 4 Global warming导学案1 Warming up and Reading班级: 小组: 姓名: 小组评价: 教师评价: 【学习目标】1、深入理解课文,培养学生快速阅读,整体理解的能力。2、自主学习,合作探究;引导学生关注“温室效应”和全球变暖的问题。3、通过学习培养健康生活和低碳生活的意识。【学习重点】1、掌握正确的阅读方法,培养学生整体理解的能力。2、充分意识到环境问题,提倡低碳生活。【学习难点】了解更多环境问题,进一步树立保护环境的责任感。【使用说明和学习指导】1)自主完成自主预习部分。(15)2)三遍通读课文完成合作探究部分。(40)3)小组讨论完成合作探究中较难的部分及能力提升。(20)【自主预习】I、Warming upWrite down the energy sources under the pictures .And tell us whether it is renewable or non-renewable. (Tips: an oil refinery / a nuclear power plant / a hydro-electric dam / windmills / a coal power station / geothermal (地热的) Energy Plant ) II、Pre-reading1、What is the greenhouse made and used for? 2、How does it work? 3、What are the “greenhouse gases”? 4、What do you think greenhouse gases do? 【合作探究】Task 1. Skimming Conclude the main idea of each part, then find out the writing skills, according to the tips below. Main idea of each partWriting skillsPara.1Para.2-3Para.4-6Para.7Tips of writing skills :explanation ;making contrast ;raising a question ;giving examples ;leaving readers to think over the issue ;using graphs ;using a question .Task 2. ScanningI、Multiple choices1). The purpose of the first paragraph is to _. A. introduce the writer B. explain a changeC. introduce the topic D. raise a question2). The graphs are used to _.A. illustrate points by providing evidence B. tell the change of temperatureC. tell the content of carbon dioxide in the airD. interest the readers3). Who found out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1977?A. Dr. Janice Foster B. Charles Keeling C. George Hamble D. Sophie Armstrong4). The author probably agrees that .A. Global warming is good for us. B. We can do nothing about global warming.C. Catastrophes will happen if the globe keeps on warming.D. Much remains to be found out about the effects of global warming.5). But there are some very different attitudes among scientists towards this issue.”“issue here means the same as the one in .A. I bought the new stamp the day of its issue. B. They are talking about one of the key issues in the election campaign. C. The government is expected to issue a statement about the election.D. The magazine has 12 issues each year.II、True or false1. The temperature in the last century did not seem to increase so much. ( )2. Everyone believed that global warming are caused by the activities of humans. ( )3. Janice Foster believes that she can measure the future global rise in temperature.( )4. The rise in carbon dioxide is causing a steady increase in global warming. ( )5. George Hambley believes that global warming do good rather than harm to the earth. ( )6. It is clear what the effects of global warming will be. ( )Task 3: Task-based readingFacts aboutglobal warmingViews on global warmingThe temperature of earth rose about one degree in the 20th century.It is caused by human activity 1 of a random or natural phenomenon.The increased amount of carbon dioxide causes the global 2 to go up.The burning of fossil fuels has 3 to the increase of carbon dioxide.Dr Janice FosterGorge HambleySmall amounts of gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. So we need those gases.When a large 4 of extra carbon dioxide is added into the atmosphere, the global temperature will 5 .The amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degree Celsius, however, it could be as high as 6 degrees over the next 100 years.An increase of five degr
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