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Unit2 第四课时一 单项选择: ( )1.Look!Thats our new school building. There_old houses. A.is going to be B.used to have C.used to be D.had ( )2.The lights in the office were_,but nobody was_. Aon ;on B.on; in C.in; on D.in; in ( ) 3.-Dont _about things so much.It will make you stressed out. -Sorry. I wont be so from now on. A.afraid B.terrify C. terrified D.worry ( )4.The film_for half an hour. A.has begun B.has been begun C.has been on D.began ( )5.They live in a small village_. A.all the time B. all the same C.all time D.all this time二 .根据句意及首字母提示完成句子: 1.I dont like to eat c_because its bad for my teeth. 2.I t_a bus to shool yesterday. 3.Many young people enjoy c_gum. 4.A spider is a kind of i_. 5.Mike lives near his school and he w_to school every day.三. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词. 1.昨天我乘公汽上学的。 I _the bus to school yesterday.=I_to shool_bus yesterday. 2.我弟弟一直喜欢打篮球.My brother likes playing basketball_ _ _. 3._ _(嚼口香糖)is bad for your health. 4. Don_ _(担心)money. Ill help you. 5.画画是的Tinas爱好. _ _is Tinas hobby.
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