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人教版(pep)六年级英语上册unit 1 How can I get therePart C第一课时教学设计一、教学内容:Lets check, Lets wrap it up ,Story time.二、教学目标:1. Can listen, read and say the words: tasty, London Eye, Thames, stomach, hurt, way, portion, finally and can use these words to express it.2. Can use the sentences : Where is and answer it: turn right/ left, go straight, its next to3、Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstances 4. Can understand the contents about the story time.三、教学重点:1. Can listen, read and say the words: tasty, London Eye, Thames, stomach, hurt, way, finally and can use these words to express it.2. Can use the sentences : Where is and answer it: turn right/ left, go straight, its next to四、教学难点:Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstances 五、教具准备: Tape,ppt.六、教学过程:Step 1: warm-up1. Lets enjoy a song: Where is the hospital?2. Can you say and spell? ( Review the words and put the words on a map: cinema, hospital, post office, bookstore, Italian restaurant, science museum, museum shop, library, park, school)3. Lets talk according the mapA: I want to go to the . How can I get there?B: Turn right/ left at the . The is next to / behind /in front of Step2: Presentation1. Lets check(1) Listen and tick the places you hear. Write the words under the pictures.(2) Listen again and answer the questions.A. Where does the boy want to go?B. How can he get there from the post office?2. Lets wrap it up: I can say.(1)T: I can say: next to. What about you? S1: I can say: near S2: I can say: beside.(2) T: I can say: The hospital is near the park. S1: I can say : the bookstore is next to the3. Teach: Story time(1) Look at the picture, answer the questions.A. Who is in the picture? Zoom, Zip & a boyB. What are they talking about? They are talking about where can buy tanghulu.(2) Listen and judge A. The London Eye is next to the film museum. ( ) B. The Thames isnt far from here ( ) C. My teeth hurt. ( )(3) Listen again and choose Where can I buy the tasty things? A. Near the London Eye. B. Near the film museum. Is the Thames far from here? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.Read the funny story and answer the questions.Where is the London Eye?How can I get to the Thames?Whats the matter with Zoom?What does Zoom want to eat?Listen and read after the tapeStep 3 : ConsolidationReview the words we have learnt in Unit 1Choose one of the talks in unit1 and act it.Do workbookStep 4: Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the story times.2. Read “Lets wrap it up” and make a sentence.3.Copy the 4 sentences 4 times.Blackboard:Unit1 How can I get there?Where is the ?Its next to/ near/ behind/ in front ofHow can I get there?Turn left/ right at the go straight
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