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五年级下学期英语语法填空实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1Look ! Liu Tao_(eat)the meat.2There are some_(tomato)in the fridge.3I dont have_(some)nice clothes or shoes.4It does not_(fit).5She likes_(read)story books.2. 选择合适的单词填空。What Which What Where When1_do you do on the weekend?I often play sports with my friend.2_is your kite?Its under the bed.3_do you like autumn best?Because I can pick apples.4_do you eat dinner?At 7 oclock.5_season do you like best?I like winter best.3. 选词填空。1Youll eat a birthday cake_(at/ with) the party.2We have_(a/ an) Easter party in April.3American_(Childrens/ Thanksgiving) Day is in November.4I like_(July/ December). I can go swimming in summer.5I like February. We have_(summer/ winter) vacation.4. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We shouldnt_(drink) juice or_(shout) either.2My brothers leg_(hurt).3Whats wrong with_(she)?She has a cough.4My sister sometimes has a toothache. She should_(brush) her teeth every morning.5He can_(play) the piano.6Liu Tao eat too_(much) sweets every day.7Mary_(feel) cold.5. 用on/at/in填空。1I usually go to bed_22:00.2What will you do_September?3What do you do_the weekend?4The party will start_7:30.5The weather is cold and snowy_winter.6. 根据句意及首字母或中文完成句子。1What are you doing the kitchen?Im_(烧饭) for my family.2She is_(帮助) Miss Li in the teachers office.3Can you_(洗) it some fruit for me, Helen?Sure.4Many children are in the_(商店) today.5What are you doing? Im_(看) TV.6You shouldnt eat anything_(甜的).7These_(葡萄) are not good. I dont like to eat them.8His brother is doing the d_.7. 单词归类。A. September B. ninth C. snowy D. May E. rainyF. Australia G. sunny H. winter I. cloudy J. JuneK. twelfth L. China M. summer N. October O. autumnP. twenty-third Q. fifth R. America S. England T. spring1Weather(天气):_2Ordinal Numbers(序数词):_3Months(月份):_4Seasons(季节):_5Countries(国家):_8. 根据句意选择合适的单词填空。1Does Mike_(have) a toy?2The girl_(have) a rabbit.3Let_(I) go and have a look.4There is_(a) art room on the first floor.5How many_(bus) are there in the street?9. 选择合适的单词填空。next on have for about the1I can sing English songs. What_you?2We have Chinese and maths_Mondays.3We will have a party_Sunday.4What can you do_the party?5I can play_erhu.6I_an English class at 8:00.10. 写出下列日期的基数词,序数词,简写。112 220 330 421 523 11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Lets go_(shop) this evening.2I often_(work) at night.3You must_(be) tired.4Please_(visit) me next month.5I have to_(go) to bed early.12. 写出下列简写形式的全写。31st 22nd 30th12th 25th 44th13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Whats wrong with_(he)?2You_(should) eat too many sweets.3Are you taking_(some) medicine?4You should brush your_(tooth) before bedtime.5Why_(do) Mike go to see the dentist?6Lets_(play) and join them.7_(not) open your mouth.8He often_(do) housework at home.9Lisa_(not do) her homework by herself.10He_(go) to_(see) the dentist.14. 用适当形式填空。1She_(come) to school on foot.2Do you have any toy_(bus)?3Lets_(take) a bus.4There are many_(city) in China.5Where_your parents_(work)?6Dont_(run) in the classroom.7What about_(sit) here?8A train_(go) through the tunnel.9The boy_(try) on the shoes. They_(fit) well.10Bobby cant_(find) his new bike.11Tom wants_(pick) the flowers.12_(who) are these books?15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1I usually_(go) to school by bike, but he_(come) to school by taxi.2He_(try) on his best to_(open) the car, but he cant open it.3My grandmother_(carry) some grapes for me.4Nancy is so busy, she_(sweep) the floor and_(clean) the table.5Liu Tao_(live) with his parents.6He plays basketball_(good).7Sam likes_(ride).8I often help_(she).9Mike sometimes_(show) his new shoes to the twins.10They want_(fly) kites at weekends.16. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
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