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以下三篇蓝字英语作文是用汉语短文在Google上在线翻译来的,请高手改正蓝字英语短文中的错误和不得当的地方。一.overseasstudyatanEarlyAgesyoushouldwriteatleast150wordsfollowingtheouttone(看不清楚,也可能是outtine)givenbelow:1.目前很多父母在子女高中毕业前就送他们出国学习2.形成这种趋势的原因3.我对此的看法在早期海外留学现在越来越多的父母急切地想送他们的孩子出国留学,一些家长在孩子高中毕业前就把他们送出国了,无论任何方式也不计成本。父母送子女到国外留学是可以理解的,因为他们对子女有很高的期望,那些出国留学的成功故事使得家长们也送子女出国。随着经济的发展,国内的公司和机构更加强调国外成功经验了。因此,海外留学成为获得一个更好未来的一种捷径。此外,还有一个根本的原因,那就是经济能力的提高,在过去的几年里,由于经济的快速发展,中国有越来越多的家长有能力为孩子创造海外学习的条件。至于我,我相信海外留学无疑是一种获得知识和经验的好方式,但过早地海外留学既没有必要也没有益处。学生们太年轻,甚至无法照顾好自己。我的确认为海外留学能有助于一个人的自我提高,但最好是已经完成了大学学业后,拥有较好的自学能力时,再出国学习。Overseas Study at an Early AgeMore and more parents are eager to send their children abroad to study, some parents put their children before graduating from high school to send them abroad, regardless of any ways at all costs.Parents to send their children to study abroad is understandable, because they have high expectations of their children, those who study abroad are also success stories that parents send their children abroad. With economic development, domestic companies and institutions a greater emphasis on the successful experience of foreign countries. Therefore, overseas study, to obtain a better future as a shortcut.In addition, there is a fundamental reason, that is, economic capacity, in the past few years, due to rapid economic development, China has more and more parents have the ability to create for their children to study overseas conditions.As for me, I believe that access to study abroad is undoubtedly a good way of knowledge and experience, but too early to study abroad is neither necessary nor beneficial. Students are too young, or even to take care of yourself. I do think that studying abroad can help a persons self-improvement, but it is best to have completed university studies, have better self-learning ability, and then study abroad.二。谚语“clothesmaketheman”。你对此的看法(赞成或反对)以及原因。不少于120字。人常說“人靠衣裝馬靠鞍”,這說明服飾對人們是很重要的。要全面评价一个人的品味与涵养,外表虽然只是一个很小的方面,但普通人无法一眼就能看出一个人的修养,看外表的衣作往往是最直接也最关键的,就像一面忠实的镜子,将你的情趣、修养以及格调清清楚楚的映照出来。真正有品味的人从来不盲目的追随街头的潮流,但是很多女孩子似乎不懂得这个道理。她们总是怕被人家认为不懂时尚,于是作了街头时尚的忠实跟班。穿衣也正是这个道理。真正优雅的男女,穿的衣服不刻意彰显颜色款式,不张扬夸张,却可以让人细细品味。和穿衣服的道理相同,一个有魅力有格调的女人永远不会把自己所有的饰品都披挂全身。我们根据自己的爱好和感觉来打扮自己,那样,就可以反映出一个真正的自我。The importance of clothingOften say clothes make the man make the man, This shows clothing is very important to people. To fully evaluate a persons taste and virtue, although only a small surface area, but ordinary people can not be able to see a persons accomplishments, see the appearance of the clothing as is often the most direct and most critical, as one side faithful mirror, your taste, cultivation, and clearly the mapping out of style. Real taste of the people never blindly follow the trend of the streets, but many girls do not seem to know this truth. They are always afraid of people that do not understand fashion, so were the faithful attendant street fashion. Dress is exactly the truth. Truly elegant men and women, clothes do not deliberately highlight the color and style, not play an exaggeration, but people can savor. And wear the same clothes, the truth, an attractive stylish woman will never have to go into your body all the accessories. We feel based on their preferences and to dress themselves, so, can reflect a true self. 三。curbingspending1.现在大学生花钱大手大脚2.有人说现在经济状况好了,消费无可厚非,也有人说大学生没赚钱应控制消费3.你的看法。合理花钱如今校园留学生好像不知道钱是怎么挣来的,也是留心他们的支出。他们为自己或朋友买任何喜欢东西,不理会这些要多少钱。有些人说大手大脚花钱不是什么问题。毕竟,社会进步了,生活富裕了,这些对学生来说,都是合理的支出,无需自责。对我来说,这不仅仅是一个大手大脚花钱的习惯,它反映了学生的人生观在于金钱。学生们从父母那里要钱很容易,但他们不知道这些挣来很难,他们不知道通过自己的努力去实现自己的目标。渐渐就会培养这样一种想法:希望不劳而获。学生提高自己的生活水平并没有什么不对,但要用自己赚来的钱。第一段讲述了这一现象,大学生喜欢什么买什么,从不关注钱从何处来,也不关心自己的花销。第二段提出了一些人的看法,他们认为社会进步了,生活水平提高了,大学生多花一点也无可厚非。第三段讲述了作者自己的观点看法。在作者看来,这并不仅仅是花钱习惯,更多地反映了学生的金钱观、价值观。学生从父母那里很容易就能要来钱,所以他们就不会想通过自己的努力来赚钱,渐渐就会培养这样一种想法:希望不劳而获。最后作者强调,学生提高自己的生活水平并没有什么不对,但要用自己赚来的钱。curbingspendingToday, students on campus do not seem to know how money is earned, but also pay attention to their spending. They like themselves or their friends to buy any thing, ignoring the traveling. Some people say the problem is not to spend money freely. After all, social progress, a better life, these students, the expenses are reasonable, no remorse. For me, this is not just a free-spending habits, which reflects the students life is money. Students from their parents for money is easy, but they do not know the hard earned, they do not know through their own efforts to achieve their goals. Gradually it will develop such an idea: I hope something for nothing. Students to improve their standard of living there is nothing wrong, but to use their own earned money.
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