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2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、Which of the following saying has the meaning of “ risk losing everything all at one time”?AEvery dog has its day.BPut all your eggs in one basket.CBurn the candle at both ends.DIt never rains but it pours.2、_ the girl is only ten years old, she can take care of her brother and cook meals every day.AIf BBecause CAlthough DAs3、When some students throw rubbish in our classroom, I feel _._. It makes me want to tell them to clean up the classroom.Aangry; So do IBuncomfortable; Neither I doCanrily; So I doDcomfortable; Neither do I4、They will lose the game _ they try their best.AunlessBonceCsinceDafter5、-Nancy, how can I protect the birds? They are in danger.-I think you may protect them _ joining the Bird Watching Society.Ain Bby Con Dwith6、-Whats the matter,Jenny? -_something wrong with my bike.AIt isBThere isCI haveDIt has7、Im feeling much better now, so you _call the doctor.AwouldntBcantCneedntDmustnt8、The place was so beautiful that her husband could not stop _ photos. He took two hundred photos that day !A to show B showing C taking D to take9、How old is your grandpa? He looks energetic.Yeah, its hard to imagine he is already in his_ .AseventiesBseventyCseventiethDseventieths10、- What smells terrible, Tom?- Sorry. Ill my socks and wash them at once.Atake away Bput away Cthrow away Dkeep away. 完形填空11、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Once, there lived a man in the mountains. He had a statue made by a famous master. But the statue was put at his door, _to the ground, because he didnt like it at all.One day, a man from the city _by his house. This man was full of Knowledge. When he saw the statue, he asked the owner _ he would sell it.The owner laughed and said, Who will like this dull and _ stone?The man from the city said, I will give you five dollars _ it.The owner was surprised and _. Then the statue was moved to the city.A few months later, the man from the mountains visited _. When he walked around the streets, he saw many people _ in front of a shop, and a man was shouting in a loud voice, Come in and see the most wonderful statue in the world. Only one dollar _ this most great work of a master.The man from the mountains 1 one dollar and walked into the shop. He was shocked by the thing in the shop, because it was the statue that he himself had sold for five dollars.1Afacing Bfaced Clooks Dlooked2Apast Bpassed Cpasses Dpassing3Ahow Bwhen Cwho Dif4Aclean Bdirty Cinteresting Dsad5Afor Bon Cof Dwith6Adisagreed Bagreed Cleft Dcried7Astreats Bshop Cvillage Dcity8Astanding Bstand Cto stand Dstood9Ato enjoy Benjoying Cto buy Dbuying10Asold Bspent Ccost Dpaid. 语法填空12、用所给动词的正确形式填空。Every year animals all around the world take part in some wonderful journeys.Here 1 (be) the stories of two amazing animal travelers Humpback whales prefer a Slowjourney. The humpbacks, which travel over10,000 kilometers on their journey from Alaska to Hawaii, swim at a 2(relax) speed of about 1.6 kilometers an hour. Although they3 (not swim) fast, humpback Whales travel farther than any other kinds of whale.Every August a fantastic sight can4 (see) in the skies above Ontario and Montreal-millions of amazing Monarch butterflies beginning their 4,000-kilometer journey from Canada to Central Mexico. In fact, the journey, which 5 (take) about 3 months, is longer than the average life of the butterfly. Finally many of the butterflies reaching their final place are the great grandchildren or even the great great grandchildren of the butterflies who6 (begin) the journey in Mexico the year before. 阅读理解A13、 I saw Tom Sawyer on the way to the town. When he saw me he looked frightened. “Huck! Why have you come back to scare me? I never hurt you,” he said. “I haven t come back. Tom. Ive never been away.”“Arent you a ghost?”“No, it was a trick.” I said.Then I told him that I wanted to rescue(营救) Jima slave(奴隶).“Ill help you,” Tom replied excitedly. He loved an adventure more than anything else in the world.When we got back to the farm, Tom said that he was Sid, Toms younger brother. Aunt Sally was surprised to see him but was happy to have his two nephews(侄子).That night, Tom and I went out to look for Jim. There were lots of huts in the garden. One of the huts was locked. So we guessed Jim was locked in the hut. We dug a tunnel under the wall of the hut that night. Finally, we succ
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