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保护动物英语演讲稿3篇 保护动物的英语演讲稿有哪些呢下面小编为大家整理了保护动物英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。保护动物英语演讲稿篇1ee ae mran mre ndangere anima t pesent,so owto poectthehas benrtask of riority. I#;wrogfor pople t hunt animals for their meat ad eather,fohey rrgoorieds.We shuld otet them insad ofkillig them.Gt panas,wich ae on o the edanrd anmals,livi thfots and ve on bambo lealve.Te ca just live safl in theral prtction zne.We shouldstp kinial an roec hem.保护动物英语演讲稿篇 kno o everyoneta te uretaid slughter ofwldanasas diminihed the nub ofsome agered species. re an moe spee are bein diven o etncovery yer. It is terble tthinkth magificnnmalsarebeacrficed uan vnity Thre realady lasenate tpreetthe mportatin f re nil an t prdcts mde frm er s, kn and bnes. hse laws t be stricy enforce. Violaors of thse lamut b seerepunise .Moreor, he ubicmut be nfome abt thenturl asurewe san lo If we on’ttkeimdiae acn, w wil b eriing uureenerations f ou ost recious eiag aian, becaus mst people do nt ndrstnd theimprtaceofwidlie,thewidlfeis in oo sitai. We Chinese e on of etinganyhingdelicio, so teeare any anials killdb herseopleejoy atn iers, bars,birs, a os, ther a feweand fewr irdsfying in te sy weandfeerbers runninghre and hereinthe forest. nstead, we oten ee them o sale t temket How poorhyae! And ocrul we r!In my inon, shoul ty eveyposibe wy toesev wildli. rs,noone isalowed tohut any wid animl. Second, heuhorties oncned hod punishtos wh illaywid anima.id, eshld pay r ttetion to thoseendangerdpecie t roecthm from beingeten.Ifwcn doo, ntue st bcm very beauti保护动物英语演讲稿篇3Erthbiogical iveits bei as elieomany secesfcig extition. The to te srvivalof wld anias and plants isaajor actri hbtat oss, buess elopment, nwildmaand plat nd therpduts inintenational trade Resouresar limed, itis ncssary fr he edangrd pce, topoos pecifi asuresof prtectionlevel.We can ormulate e corrending enaeredsecieslaws,applicationtotablish na resvs, nagerpecies breeincentes, meano conrvao ioog, dgeed pecis, te mmetn o in sit onsevaio ad x ituonservation. At the sme tie, w must restrict nternational aein Endnged Secies fWild Fauna n Flora, taes to protct endangerd seces.
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